i should go on walks more often

i now see why people do that. i've always thought it only happens in books and movies to help the plot along. you know, Tom needs to see a tree that reminds him of one in his childhood that makes him think back or remember or realise that he has to call his dad, forgive Charlie and tell Jen that he's sorry...so let's make him go on a walk...through the park...where there's tress...okay, you get it, anyway...i realised now that walks are really relaxing and soothing. it allows you to breath again. to think and also not think at the same time. i've been cooped up in my room all week last week (it was exams and i didn't write those days so i stayed home) and as much as i enjoyed just lying in my bed, in my pj's all day, reading and watching tv...the walls started to suffocate me. but it was too cold to go outside, and rainy. and i didn't feel like putting on outside clothes. so with the weather making the lighting outside a permanent grey and with me getting lost in books and tv shows, all the days sort of smooshed together. i couldn't tell what had happened that day and what had happened the day before. and to add to my disorientedness, my sleeping patterns weren't costant either. staying up late. random naps during the day. not staying up late but still feeling tired the next day. taking a nap in the afternoon and only waking up the next morning (aside from when my little sister came into my room at some point). so out of desperation i made a reason to go to school (regreting it the next day), it WAS something important but i couldv'e moved it or something. i even agreed to go eat somewhere with my mom (who just so desperatly wanted to get out of the house) and my brother. i hate eating at resturants. but the movie my brother and i saw made it worth it, even though i couldn't get the pizza i was craving (and am still craving!)
anyway, my point is this morning i went on a walk and it was great. i had to be at school again (not like school-school, just on the school grounds) but not wanting to suffer like i did the previous time (me sitting there with nothing to do while others write) i didn't actually GO to school. instead i went to a cafe and drank a choccochino while i waited. on my way to school i realised again how beautiful it was...no, is...around me. i took in all the fresh air, walked slower and tried to absorb as much scenery and detail as possible. it was wonderful. i am going to go on walks more often.