I think I'm just tired

[a piece out of a book i'm writing, the book is fictional but this part i actually wrote down one night and the next day i realised it fits great in my book]
I'm going to try to be vague because i don't really want to say it. But i also really do want to say it. Maybe i just can't. Maybe i don't know how. Or maybe i just don't know what exactly it is that i want to say. The times i say "i'm just tired." Am i really just tired? Is there nothing else to it, i just need sleep. I do need sleep i guess. I want sleep...and i don't. It's hard to fall asleep with things in your head. Especially when it's not even serious things because then you are kept up by stupid things and also the guilt of being kept up by stupid things. Maybe if i had something extremely serious keeping me up. Something to explain the thoughts. Thoughts i push away because i don't feel like i deserve to have them, not that it's thoughts anyone should deserve. I just don't feel like there's reason enough for them to be there. Why i won't act on them. Also don't want to be clichĂ©. Headline: another teenager doing a teenage thing, shocker.Â
I just need sleep. But does sleep really cure anything or just push it aside until it falls back? Or does the lack of sleep just cause things that aren't there? My lack of sleep is making my head hurt but sleeping also makes my head hurt. So what is the solution? Live off coffee and cigarettes? I don't like smoking and if i drink too much coffee it loses its effects anyway. Maybe sleep more. But sleeping too much feels like a waste. We can sleep when we're dead, right? Of course if we don't sleep at all then we don't get anything done anyway. Or if we sleep too much we just become more tired. Where is the balance? Where is the sanity? The clarity?
Then again, what if sleep isn't the problem at all. What if i would feel this way no matter my sleeping patterns? Am i really just tired or am i just too vague. With vague problems i can't expect clear solutions, huh.