Story -

I Took Part In A Historical Event

The year 1989

World Event: Panama Conflict; Operation Just Cause

1989 I was in serving in The U.S Army,and was attending the U.S. Army Health And Science University,training to be an emergency / Combat medic. The base was Ft. Sam Houston, in San Antonio Texas.
Now i remember this event well,which I am going to share with you,because that winter Texas had a bad freeze ,were the pipe on the base broke. It was around Christmas, I had chose not to take leave,because i want to take leave after my schooling was done,so I could prepare my self to be shipped over seas to be stationed in Norther Germany for two years.
So one day,at the last formation of the day, The platoon Sargent asked for some volunteers for a special assignment.
Now I can’t remember if I volunteered myself or that sergeant volunteered me(my military history: 2 yr Combat engineer,5 yr anti tank infantry I think I was volunteered) . after the back ground clearance we who were chosen were told that we have been picked to be part of the security guard for securing the road which The Presidential Motorcade would travel when President George H. W. Bush came to the base to pin some purple heart on soldier that were wounded doing the invasion of Panama.
So we had less then a week to prepare our selves , we had to have two uniform ready to wear for the event,and we had to stand two inspection , making sure every thing was perfect.
I remember that we ended up wear battle dress uniform with our low baring gear ,and our rifle. We post on the road around 010:00 am, The air was cool and the sky was gray.
Our order were to keep the parking lots empty, and to not allow any one in the street. the reason the parking lot have to be empty along the motorcade rout ,is encase a vehicle in the motorcade has mechanical problem they are able to have a safe place to pull the vehicle of the road,until it gets towed or fixed.
Now we were ordered to stand at the position of parade rest until the motorcade was approaching our potion, then we would offer our salute with our weapon.( unless we need to manage a situation)
I first saw the Presidential motorcade across a field on a road running parallel with the one i was on. Then a couple moment the motorcade was coming down the road I was stationed on.
Just as the motorcade was approaching my position, a beat up car enter from the parking lot from behind me,pull up next to me and parks. I quickly dart to the car and tell the drive who got of the car ,to get back in his car and immediately leave the area.
when the man is not following my ordesr I signal for help from the lead cop in the front of the motorcade.
The motor cycle mounted cop took over of the situation .
Now seeing and hear the way terror attack their targets , and now that a terrorist group did target this very president motorcade while visiting the Middle East after The war with Iraq came to a Seize fire.
Could the incident I was evolved in been A probe of the security of the Presidential Motorcade by a terrorist group,to later plan that attack which took place a year or so later?
I will tell you the man who i had the incident with that day was not in U.S.Milatry, He looked Middle Eastern, He had a beard and mustache,and crazy hair, he dressed in civilian clothes.

Written Stephen J. Vattimo
Dec 2, 2016

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