So much snow in Boston Mass!
As I walk down the crowed street.
My shoulder tapped another.
She turned to me to speak.
My eyes… her eyes connected.
As if her eyes had hands to hold me still.
Frozen in time…I stared in.
Her soul began to speak…I am an incest survivor…
I am uncomfortable in my own skin…
I married at the age of 15… fell in love with drugs by the age of 16…
Gave birth to my child at 18.
My husband left me at 19…my child has a chromosomal abnormality.
If you think you got problems… me too!
I struggled with turning away…her soul kept me hostage. It had more to say.
My parents had eleven children; eight boys and three girls.
Four of those boys went to war… return back home…five sleeps in their graves?
I suffer with addiction, coupled with mild bipolar and post-traumatic stress disorder.
If you think you got problems…me too!
I thought for a moment…is there no end?...Her soul got louder.
I remarried…9 months later I became a widow… by the age of 20 landed in federal prison.
Lost... mentally, physically and spiritually…I am in pain… it screamed!
I thought “Dear God” Why must I hear and feel her pain?
My heart whispered…”You and her have the communality of one”…Pain.
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Wow!! I hope everyone reads this one!! It puts your life in a different perspective...I love the flow of your words and how you repeated "If you think you got problems… me too!" Everyone is suffering in one way or another...pain is something all can relate to...even if it is on different levels. Thank you for sharing!
Val ♥️
Thank you Valerie and Drunkenwolf...for your comment,...it nurtures my confidence..enhancing my attitude of gratitude.
I am Grateful....................................Ezeklam
Thank you Valerie, for such gracious words.
Wow...I like your description and feeling in this poem. Your poetry finding...Inspiration finding habits are a lot like mine...But this poem just goes to show that in one way or another we are all alike. Searching for someone to hear and understand our story for reasons unknown.. Because maybe its therapeutic or maybe we don't want our pain to go unheard but without further ado, you did a great job here I love this :)
Thank You... Curious Onlooker.