There came a time in life when the Shadow of darkness
Knocked on a families door removing one of their Brothers in 1973…followed by the spirits of Chaos, Anger, and Confusion.
Hiding in the back ground was the spirits of Ignorance, Insecurity, and Separation.
Ten years later the Shadow of darkness returned… removing their Dad in 1983, with the Shadow of darkness their came followers… Except! the spirits of Great Pain & Sorrow held hands, as they joined together with the Shadow of Darkness, to remove then, another Brother in 1984.
They stop to breath and process Their hearts and thoughts … the destruction and removal of their love ones.
While they rested…the Shadow of darkness mended a black bag… preparing to remove another.
1993 The Shadow of darkness returned to the same home, like a thief in the night…removing another Brother.
So many lost… They are distraught, troubled and confused. May of 1994; The seven month pregnant daughter of one of the sibling came to her mom one night and asked, if she could sleep next to her.
As they slept… something out of the norm was occurring. The mom a woke, through the night, because she heard a sound. She open her eyes…As she focused on the bedroom door… she could see something coming in the room.
The closer it came…the clearer she could make out what it was; its appearance is of a large blob of moving water.
As the Body of moving water came closer to her bed…curiosity turned into fear…the body of moving water was now on her bed moving closer and closer to her…she attempted to scoot upward away from the body of moving water, yet she was consumed by the body of moving water…completely immersed by it.
While she was under this body of water, all she could see was water over her head. She began to hear muffled sounds of someone speaking, then the sound became clear and she could see and hear her child…The moms', child was screaming so loud “Are you okay?” “What’s wrong?” she screamed over and over, until her mom whispered…
“I am OK!” The moms', child face was bright orange…fear was in her eyes…coupled with a deep expression of disapproval on her face. She asked her mom; what happen? The mom trying to calm herself…She struggled, with responding. Her daughter proceeded to inform her mom, that her eyes where wide open…how her mom, had a terrible look of horror on her face, and in her eyes. The daughter said; mom you did not even blink… I kept calling to you and you just steered straight up, with a look of fright… What happen? The mom explained.
July 1994 The Shadow of darkness returns…a phone call came, another brother is gone… He drowned in a Santa Cruz California pond, while taking a group of children out for a day of celebration.
Precognition or Coincidence?
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Hey Ezek Lam!!.......I thoroughly enjoyed this write!!........I left a REALLY detailed comment for I posted it a few minutes got lost when I hit the "Save" allow me just this short reply.......I write a blog on was easy for me to lean toward "Precognition" an observer from afar........I'd have to hypothesize that this is certainly a Paranormal display in it's essence..........because mathematically, "Coincidence" doesn't work (just my opinion of course).........but as a write ~ (and I don't know if this fact based or not) was VERY compelling.........and beautifully delivered my this type of subject matter.........thanx for the ride ..........intriguing stuff.............Love and rockets............T xx
Thank you...It's a true story...The women, her daughter and the unborn child is alive today. The unborn child at the time is now turning 21.
Thank you...It's a true story...The women, her daughter and the unborn child is alive today. The unborn child at the time is now turning 21.
I believe, if she knew the body of water engulfing her, was a sign that her brother would drown in seven wks...she probable would have did somethings differently.
Correction: The unborn child is currently turning 21.
So many different scenarios combined into one ...I fear this shadow of darkness...great intriguing question at the end...
Excellent write!
Val ♥