I'm Glue

I’m glue, and I’ll tell you why. When I was in seventh grade my sister moved to Odessa, Texas. Now I know that doesn’t sound like too big of a deal for most people, I understand that. For me, that day my sister left was like a piece of me was being taken away. The day after that, knowing that she was getting on a plane and thinking that I would see her again in a year or so, but not knowing that in all reality I probably wouldn’t ever see her again was devastating.
My sister was very impressionable person, she was naive and she honestly was the sweetest, most caring person you could ever know. She was the tree huger type. She couldn’t be mean or hate anyone if she wanted to. But being the soft person she was, she could be hurt very easily. And the year after she graduated from high school, she was planning to go to college for commercial and entertainment graphic design. However, when she got there they told her she would have to wait a semester because there had been a mistake in what semester my parents had paid for. This set my sister back a lot. Eventually she fell into depression and she would use anything to justify about how she felt about her life. When she was in this state, she tried to find things that would help her forget everything that was going on, so she then joined this online virtual world. Where she then met this man named Eric.
Eric, is something else. He’s a liar, a manipulator, and I’m pretty sure he’s narcissistic and psychotic. Which, if you know what those are it’s not a good thing. There’s so much I could say to explain to you why this man is a bad man, but I’d rather not get into all those details because it’d take up far too much time. I just hope that you believe when I say, loving that man was possibly the worst mistake of my sister’s life.
When my sister left home, no one else knew she was leaving besides me, my little brother and the people who were involved in helping her leave. And at the time I was a very naive child. I didn’t know that what I was doing would potentially tear my life and my family apart.
For a long while, I wasn’t able to talk about this situation, and what had happened. Mostly because I blamed myself for losing my sister, and secretly so did most of my intimate family. I still kind of blame myself to this very day.. But I do know that I wouldn’t BE who I am today because of it.
I’m glue. That’s mostly because throughout all of this, my sister leaving, it tearing my family apart, my parents almost divorcing, and the rough high school years I’ve had to go through by myself so far… It’s been difficult. However, through my sister leaving I found that I’m an independent person when I want to be. Through my family being almost torn apart, I learned that there’s always more to each and every one of us than what meets the eye. Through my parent’s almost divorcing I also learned that I’m a good therapist and I love to help people with their problems. Through the rough high school years so far, I’ve definitely learned that life isn’t as awesome as what it’s made up to be.
I’m glue. I was able to hold my family together when one of the worst things you could imagine hit us. It was my job from the beginning, and it still is. To this very day I’m still talking to my parents when they have rough patches. I’m still picking things up where my parents can’t, like raising my little brother, cleaning the house, making food.. I’m still learning about life while also trying to make it through it. I’m glue and it’s because that’s what I’m best at. I’m best at fixing things whether they be my mistake or not.