The Cold North

Ā Ā David paused at the top of the hill and watched his breath burl around in the air like smoke from a cigar. At near below freezing, he had just about every piece of his thickest clothing on, and even that couldn't stop the penetrating blow of the icy wind.
Ā Ā It had been a wile since he had been up here, five years maybe, and everything was still the white, blank landscape as he had remembered. Barely anything could live up here, including trees. True, they were there, but not enough to sustain wildlife.
Ā Ā Everything was stark white, just as is has always been. Few trees here and there, and nothing in between. The snow was so perfect, you'd think that God himself placed each and every single snowflake. And yet here he was, tumbling through Gods vast and seemingly endless wonderland; leaving behind him a trail that no one else will ever see.