Inheritance of Loss

There is an inheritance that we all get, one that no human being is exempt from. It is one that can either teach us to be strong, diligent individuals, or it can make us bitter, resentful, loathsome, and ignorant. It is loss, and it is no stranger to any of us, whether it be the child who loses his mother to the vices of the world or the faithful lover whose mate goes off to serve for a better cause, never to return. Humanity is on the brink of war, one that Β is both spiritual and physical. There are forces every day that seek our destruction, and we must be ready. It is important that we steel ourselves against these forces, and it is imperative that we teach the growing generations how to Β be people that will bring light into this world, instead of continual darkness. We have to teach our children to be steadfast, diligent and strong. If we cannot be strong for ourselves, how can we hope to be strong for others? It is every human's inherent duty to support every other human being that crosses our paths. They may not accept our love and support, but it is always the effort that counts. We must support each other in a world that is rapidly growing more treacherous and dangerous by the hour. Stay strong friends, and endure all hardships until the end, for when this world begins to be consumed by darkness, we cannot count on anything else except each other.Β
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