
I remember walking down the street in the middle of the night. I was out of smokes and i had the urge to inhale some cancer sticks. the street lights were dimmed and the houses were asleep ,and very few kept alive. Tv blasting with soaps,and a little music or the news from every other house, but it was mainly quite. I could here my foots steps,and the wind. The 24 hr. corner store was about a couple of blocks down and the thought of having a cancer stick in my mouth excited me. Suddenly i hear foot steps behind me and i admit it startled me a bit. It was a man coming towards me who i have never seen before.it was too dark to see what he really looked like,but he had on some type of sweatshirt with a hood over his face. I wondered if i should walk faster or lose direction. The odd man was getting closer but it was a little too late ...he catched up. Now it was just me and him walking the same direction towards the light of the drug store right up head. "I never seen you before i say". "I take the other direction he replied".Their was an awkward silence then slowly he introduced him self. James thats what he went by or Jay. "So when did u move in the neighborhood? i asked." "A while go, i just decided to walk the streets one more night he said". I didn't understand what he meant by one more time, i shrugged. As soon as i walked into the corner store James followed behind . i bought my sticks and james bought a bottled water. We talked about life on the way back home until we parted back home. The next mourning i go for a run and stop where i first saw James. I decided to run down that way, but found myself running into a burnt down house far into the end and alone. The wind blew suddenly across my face and left a chill going down my spine. I looked down and saw a picture of James.I never saw him after that one night. . .
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