Jesus The Bridge To Heaven Mini series lesson 3

The goal of this lesson is to show : How Satan and Man have rebelled against God
Outline of lesson 3
What happened to Satan and Man after they sinned against
God ?
A : Satan
1 . Broke fellowship with God.
2 . Became an enemy of God.
3 . Became the deceiver and destroyer.
4 . God judged Satan - condemned him .
5 . Cast out of Heaven.
6. Will face the future judgment of God 's wrath .
B. Man
1 . Broke fellowship with God .
2 . Became an enemy of God .
3 . Became wicked in thought , word , deed .
4 . The Earth is cursed .
5 . Cast out of The Garden Of Eden.
6 . Physical death.
7 . Will face the future judgment of God's wrath, the second death.
8 . God will send a savior .
What is the second death ?
The Lake Of Fire .
Who will face the second death ?
1 . Satan and the angels that rebelled against God.
2 . Men and women who rejected God's Savior
Revelation 20 : 10 " And the Devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of
fire and brimstone, where the Beast and false prophets are also ; and they will be
tormented day and night forever and ever ."
Revelation 20 : 13 - 15 " And the sea gave up the dead which were in it and Death
and Hades gave up the dead which were in them ; and they were judged,
everyone of them according to their deeds. ( 14 ) And Death and Hades were
thrown into The Lake of Fire. This is the second death, The Lake Of Fire. ( 15 )
And if anyone's name was not found written in The Book Of Life, he was thrown
into The Lake Of Fire.
For this lesson, study:
* Genesis : chapter 6
* Job : chapter 1 : 6 - 12 and chapter 2 : 1 - 8
* Matthew : chapter 4 : 1 - 11 and chapter 24 : 38 - 39
* Revelation : chapter 12 : 3 - 12
This concludes lesson 3 , It is my hope that you are taken time to read the
Bible passages mentioned in this study, please ask God to give you
understanding of His Word, and what He wants you to get out of this
series. The study continues eye a watchful eye out four lesson four.
Jesus The Bridge To Heaven
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo