Jesus The Bridge To Heaven ( mini series) lesson 6

The goal of this lesson is to present the evidence that Jesus is the promised
Outline of lesson 6 :
Jesus : God's promised Savior.
1.God's Savior will come into the world through the seed of a woman
( virgin birth ) .
Isaiah 7 : 14 " Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign ; behold, a virgin will
be with child and bear a Son, and she will call His name
Immanuel .
Luke 1 : 31 - 35 " And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son,
and you shall name Him Jesus. ( 32 ) He will be great and will be called The son
of The Most High; and The Lord God, will give Him the throne of His father
David ; ( 33 )and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever ; and His
kingdom will have no end. ( 34 ) Mary said to the angel, " how could this be,
since i am a virgin ? (35 ) " And the angel answered and said to her, " The Holy
Spirit will come upon you, and the power of The Most High will overshadow you ;
and for that reason The Holy offspring shall be called The Son
2. Jesus live a sinless life.
1 peter 2 : 22 Who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth;
2 Cor 5 : 21 " He made Him Who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf , that we
might become the righteousness of God in Him."
3. Jesus kept God's commandments ( He fulfilled the ten
commandments ).
John 15 : 10 " If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love ; just as I
have kept My father 's and abide in His love."
4. Jesus fulfilled all of the things that were spoken of the prophets about
God's Savior.
Luke 24 : 27 " And beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained
to them the things concerning Himself and all the
5. Jesus preached about the kingdom of Heaven and demonstrated the
power of God among men.
Matt 4 : 17 " From that time Jesus began to preach and say," Repent for the
kingdom of Heaven is at hand ."
Matt 11 : 2 - 6 Now when John in prison heard of the works of Christ, he sent
word by his disciples, ( 3 ) and said to Him ," Are You The expected One , or
shall we look fore someone else ? " ( 4 ) And Jesus answered and said to
them, " Go and report to John what you hear and see : ( 5 ) the blind receive
sight and the lamb walk, the lepers are cleaned and the deaf hear, and the dead
are raised up, and the poor have The Gospel Preached To Them. ( 6 ) And
blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me."
This concludes lesson 6. I hope you will stay with this Study, I am sure God Will
Bless you through this mini series.
Jesus The Bridge To Heaven The mini series.
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo