Jesus The Bridge To Heaven ( mini series) Part 1

The goal of this mini series: To reveal what the Bible teaches about man's relationship to God,Fallen Angels,and Sin.
Outline of lesson 1 :
* What event must take place to get to Heaven ?
* What was mankind like when God first created them ?
* What happened when mankind disobeyed God's commandment ?
* What did God do to save mankind ?
Question ? Do you believe in God,The Devil,Sin, Heaven and Hell ?
What is the foundation of your belief concerning this subject ?
A : Philosophy and wisdom of man ?
B : The teachings of The Bible ?
What The Bible teaches about the wisdom of man
1 Cor 1:25 :" Because the foolishness of God is wiser than man and the
weakness of God is stronger than man."
What the Bible teaches about itself
2 Tim 3 : 16 - 17 : " All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness that the man of God may be
adequately equipped for every good work."
The Bible is the cornerstone in which this lesson is taught from
Chapters of The Bible you should read to get a complete understanding of this
The Gospel of John Chapter 3
The Epistles of Paul in Romans Chapters 1 - 10
Read John 3 : 1 - 7
What must a person do to see the kingdom of God ?
You must be born again !
What must take place for a person to enter The Kingdom of God ?
A person must experience two births
John 3 : 5 " Jesus answered, truly , truly I say to you, unless one is born of water
and the Spirit, He can not enter The Kingdom of God . "
1 : Physical birth
2 : Spiritual
The natures of the two different births
A : Born Of the flesh
1. Physical birth
2. Inherit the sin nature
3. Separated from the presence and fellowship with God
4. Physical death
5. Under The judgment of God's wrath ( second death )
B : Born of The Spirit
1. God give new birth through The Holy Spirit
2. Sins are forgiven
3. New nature
4. Fellowship with God
5. Will not come under the judgment of God's wrath ( second death)
To understand part one of this mini series please read The Gospel of John
Chapters : 1 , 3
The book of Genesis chapters: 2,3
This concludes lesson one , stay with us for lesson 2, as the mini series
Jesus The Bridge To Heaven continues
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo