Story -



Hello, my angels, I hope this note finds you well and inspired :)
Santa is on his way!!Ā  Were you naughty or nice???Ā  Lol

I have been writing up a storm, retraining my mind, body and spirit for the war that is about to start.

I am going to finish the war that the medical community and the Workers Compensation (WSIB) started 36 years ago.Ā  And this time I'm not stopping at "I'm sorry."

I've been in contact with lawyers and reporters regarding the destruction that doctors andĀ  the WSIB brought to my life after misdiagnosing me with "Rhomboid muscle strain," while they ignored my real problem, a badly fractured rib in my upper back for a year.

There have been a lot in the news of late regarding Medtronic and the pacemaker that are causing adverse reactions.Ā  Once again, there is a class action lawsuit.Ā  I contacted the lawyers with my story, which they called a "Horror story." in its' right.Ā 

But, they said they CAN'T do anything, because the devices that malfunctioned electrocuting me internally ALMOST KILLING ME, seven years after it was implanted on my thoracic spine were not the same machines.....that is obvious, but it came from the same manufacturer......

To think that JUSTICE will never be had is no longer in my mind.Ā  Because I am going forward and starting a war.Ā  And if I need to raise money to hire a lawyer, that is what I will do, because, after the last electrocution it took years for me to find medical help to get it out of me.Ā  I ended up at the same surgeon's office as prior in 2002, the same surgeon that ignored me for years leaving me to wait for an operation that came much too late.Ā  So, my 7th operation to have the device removed was a failure.Ā  The device had benn left in for so long it had grown into my spine....and the wires couldn't be found.

The transmitter they took out was in the corrosive stages which leaves me wondering about the machine and its state.Ā  The same surgeon sent me to have an MRI.Ā  Had I not put on the form that I have a stimulator in my back, they would have done the MRI and I would have died, so said the technician who halted the scan.Ā  And all I got for almost being killed again, was "I'm sorry."Ā Ā 

Well the time for sorry has arrived.....and God is on my side as, I'm going to blow this case out of the water.Ā  I've emailed some lawyers, and reporters and CBC, among others who are investigating the devices.Ā  It's time my story came out and it's TIME FOR JUSTICE....not only for the injuries and deteriorating health, but for the children, IĀ Ā lost and couldn't carry to term....and for the loss of hope of ever having a family of my own in the future, for being electrocuted twice and almost dying, as everyone swept this under the rug..

There are more links to the investigations on my website....please leave a comment, or direct anyone who needs help to my site...that is what God kept me alive for......


Nobody else will go through this on my watch


My website will be my base, if you'd like to sign up and support me and the injured workers, I would be grateful.Ā Ā 

God shared this wonderful poem with me today rather fitting considering the story youā€™re about to read from the star on Workerā€™s Compensation workers speaking out.


In 1985, the medical community failed me
And a misdiagnosis created a war
They believed I had PTSD
And they refused to hear my voice anymore
The surgeons and WSIB failed me
And left me to deal with a broken rib
They all thought it was muscular
And never listened to anything I said
The Workers Compensation failed me
And for the first year, I was crucified
They wrote reports that said I was only seeking attention
I was labelled, abused and almost died
WSIB, Medtronic and the surgeons failed me
And for their ignorance, I almost paid with my lifeĀ 
Doctors put a neurostimulator on my spine
I was forgotten for seven years, nobody monitored the device
Workerā€™s Compensation failed me
And I was nailed to a cross by their lies
They kept reporting that I was 63, with low back problems
Throughout all in the reports in my medical files
The medical system and Workers comp failed me
And two precious lives were taken from my bodyĀ 
The family I wished for, dreamed of all my life
Were taken and destroyed now it's a sad memory
But the good Lord was always with me
Every time a medical device brought me down
Good Lord gave me strength, guts and glory
To stand taller and turn this disaster around
I will suffer in pain for a lifetime
Only because I faced so much medical neglect
But God carried me through the chaos, dried my tears
As I train my brain daily to grow stronger despite the losses and regrets
They took away my children
And they almost took my life
Now I stand among the ruins of this medical destruction
And I vow that I will end their chaos and the strife

(c)Giggles the PoetĀ 
December 14, 2018

Hello ā€˜ my angels

I hope this note finds you all well and inspired and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends peace love and joy throughout the holiday season many healing hugs being sent your way

May 2019 give you courage to stand your ground and fight for your rights I hope this note finds you all well and inspired and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends peace love and joy throughout the holiday season many healing hugs being sent your way in May 2019 give you the courage to stand your ground and fight for your rights.ļæ¼

ļæ¼Iā€™ve been in with contact with investigators and a few lawyers on this. Medtronic case lawsuit but because mine is not a pacemaker they say they canā€™t help me???? Why was the word justice created because thereā€™s no JUSTICE when somebody says they canā€™t help you considering itā€™s from the manufacturer it should not matter what device it is it is still the same manufacturer that and it almost killed me on two occasions electrocuting me internally after being left in my body for seven years too long
And Workerā€™s Compensation is paying to put these in peoples body thousands of dollars for a machine they know nothing about nor follow up on.

To this day they have no idea about the trauma I have suffered being misdiagnosed and called a liar and crucified for fighting for my rights they refuse to see it and shoved it under their rug
We need to change the system and protect our future our childrenā€™s future from going through this concentration camp that labels us putting us in poverty more pain and despair and sometimes suicide. I have only wished for the last 35 years to die.... now I wish to live and thatā€™s what I fight for my life once again.

Justice for injured workers

I am back for justice

Giggles the Poet

Please see below Toronto Star Article. Employees of the WSIB are speaking out.

Wishing everyone a Very Happy Holiday Season.

Love and hugs
Giggles the Poet

Subject: WSIB employees decry 'broken' system
WSIB employees decry 'broken' system
Long wait times, understaffing put injured workers at risk, internal messages warn
Sara Mojtehedzadeh Toronto Star

The Toronto Star Dec. 10, 2018

Chronic understaffing, long wait times and chaotic case management at Ontario's worker's compensation board are putting vulnerable accident victims at risk, compromising the integrity of the provincial compensation system and jeopardizing financial accountability, according to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's own employees.
The staff made the criticisms in response to a September blog post by WSIB president Tom Teahen, which solicited feedback on whether the board was making Ontario a safer place to work, improving recovery for injured workers, meeting customers' needs and acting in a financially responsible manner.

On all four counts, the 60 responses obtained by the Star through a freedom of information request show the answer was overwhelming no.

"Accident rates are going up while resolutions to (injured worker) claims are going down," said one employee. "There are not enough people to process work and queues keep piling up, while people that are disabled from a workplace injury are waiting for someone to get back to them. I find that embarrassing."
In another post, an employee complained they were "frustrated" by delays faced by injured workers calling the board for help, some of whom have post-traumatic stress disorder.

The employee said call wait times could sometimes mount to 20 minutes - enough time for "somebody to give up and take their own life."

"It is not unheard of that clients complain of waiting in excess of 30 minutes to reach the right person," said another employee.

"If you can't help an injured worker who's (sic) literal livelihood depends on the WSIB within a reasonable time frame, that's an incredible shortfall," the employee said.

The September blog post came in the wake of a new service delivery model - rolled out in July at the board - which aims to make the compensation claim process more effective and "help people recover and return to work quicker." The change came in response to rising claim duration and recovery times.

Under the new model, injury claims no longer have a dedicated case manager. Instead, callers go into a general pool and are triaged based on the complexity of the case. The idea is that complex claims get more focused attention from experienced staff, while uncontentious claims are processed more efficiently.

WSIB chief operating officer Brian Jarvis said in an interview with the Star last week that the new model experienced some early "bumps on the road," but said statistics already show 95 percent of injured workers are now receiving compensation decisions within 10 days, up from 89 percent in May, and that 60% were back on the job in days, up from 51 percent.

"We're trying to help the injured workers that come to us every day who need our help and need our support, and we're seeing examples of how we're doing better recently than we were prior to making these changes," he said.

Statistics obtained by the Star through its freedom of information request, which also sought all records pertaining to the new service delivery model, show average call wait times were up from 39 seconds in 2017 to almost two-and-a-half minutes in 2018.

Jarvis said wait times are now under two minutes "on most days.

Numerous employees complained that losing ownership over claim files meant they had to start from scratch each time an injured worker or an employer called them.

"As all of our telephone conversations are recorded, there is no reason senior management would not (be) able to hear the stress, fear, anger and uncertainty that front-line staff hear every day," said one employee.
"I continue to see obscenely long claims durations (which, of course, is not financially responsible) and an inability to attend to every claim to provide the service each worker, employer or provider deserve."
"Please do not add further chaos to an already broken model," said another.

While numerous employees said there was a need for change at the board, the vast majority raised significant concerns about the new approach - and more importantly, the lack of staff available to make it work.

Staff are "burning out due to the unmanageable caseloads yet we are being told to 'do more with less.' Not sure how that is humanly possible," said one employee, while another called the number of empty desks due to stress leave "staggering."

"This work environment not only adds undue stress, but it is also teetering on compromising my professional standards, which I am not OK with," added one registered nurse at the board.
The records obtained by the Star show that there has been a 33 percent increase in allowed lost-time injury claims between 2015 and 2018, from 51,500 to almost 70,000 projected claims this year.
But despite this increased volume, the number of front-line staff at the board fell by 9 percent over the same period.

There are currently 785 case managers and adjudicators at the board, down from 815 in 2015.
"We are drowning," said one employee in response to Teahen's blog.
Harry Goslin, president of the Ontario Compensation Employees Union, said he has "continued to raise concerns about rising work volumes."

"The WSIB, on the other hand, maintains the view that there is not a workload problem," he told the Star
As previously reported by the Star, a January poll conducted by the union found that 90% of the 263 employees surveyed said work-related stress was impacting their personal lives and 92 % cent attributed the workload issues to understaffing at the WSIB

Asked if the board would commit to hiring more front-line staff, Jarvis said his organization would replace staff who retired or were moved within the organization but said hiring was "based on the data that shows how much activities and claims we have."

Employees made clear in their responses to Teahen's blog that they cared deeply about serving Ontarians and the integrity of the compensation system.

"Our founding father created a fair compensation system whereby workers gave up their right to sue their employers in exchange for a fair and compassionate system that adjudicated (a claim) on the basis of its own merit," said one 30-year veteran.

"How can adjudicators make the best possible decisions if they are short-changed in training, do not have enough people to do the job, have unreasonable time frames, and have processes in place that short-change the worker?"

"We as the employees of WSIB do care about the outcomes for our workers and the experience they have," added another.

"We want to be proud of where we work and say what good things we are doing. Right now, I am not feeling that."



We are now in command of our POWERFUL minds.....and that has more potential than you will ever know..

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