Hello, my angels, I hope this note finds you well and inspired.....Well, today there have been many investigations into Medtronic and their devices. Β The stories that are being told needs to go viral, because of these devices being used carelessly without informing the patient of the consequences they could face.Β
I'm one recipient that was unfortunate to have this Neurotransmitter put in my thoracic spine area, Β only because someone misdiagnosed me and caused ruin to my life, mind and body and caused permanent nerve damage as a result.Β
They were never monitored, nor checked on for 7 years. Β I had 750 amps of electricity through my body 24/7 became a part of me literally...... the last one grew into my spine and cannot be removed without paralyzing me.....
. Β When they electrocuted me, I was lucky to be at work.......the program that was located in place went haywire and my body was instantly paralyzed, I couldn't cry out, and it took a few minutes for anyone to see my situation.....before they unplugged the device. Β My heart hurt so much I thought I was going to die on both occasions......and nobody investigated the case....except me....
I trusted my fellow man and they abused me for years.....and nobody did anything but blame me, saying I had PSTD from day one.....and low back problems.......nobody even knows what hell I went through.....I have my Workers Compensation records and was appalled when I had to investigate my own case, to only find misleading reports and misconstrued information......WSIB knows nothing and cared even less.....a convoluted mess.....that nobody could set straight. Β Reports that I had low back problems circulated until 2008 when I once again requested my medical file and found this letter from the manager on my case....and he said: "I caused problems with the adjudicators." Β I fought for my rights and didn't let them roll over me as they have with so many people....
I had a life before this travesty......and it was never shouted loud enough.....I HAD A RIGHT TO RESPECTFUL CARE. Β Β I lost my chances of ever having a family, lost 2 pregnancies because of the medical madness.....and nobody gave a damn.....nor did I have time to mourn......I was fighting for my life...and to get this machine out of my body......but medical help always came much too late.....and nobody cares!!!!
I'm still alive for a reason.....even I'm surprised by that, considering what I have to take daily for pain and depression, anxiety, fear........and Workers Compensation has the right to buy these devices put them in an injured person body and nobody bats an eye. Β They certainly didn't talk to me, or ask why I needed it....they tried to kill many ways....and I have the proof........I left my shadow at their door in 2015.......
The surgeon could only retrieve a transmitter and a piece of I'm left with this in my body for the rest of my life....and it was a medical nightmare being injured and needing help, but to only be injured further when you do find help... Β Awareness and inspiration sign Β up and's time something like this stopped being ignored.....We are guinea pigs, only because of ignorance and for me, being misdiagnosed and not looking the part they wanted to see.....injured or not, you still have a right to humane care. Β
I've blessed that God kept me alive because it's time to start a war, my life was ruined by ignorance and nobody should endure six operations, and be crucified for fighting back.....and trying to find a reason to what I was put through by Workers Compensation and doctors, specialists.
We were a label that is placed on us only because of ignorance and being paid to make lives miserable.....
I fought for 35 years.....and I won't quit until someone is held accountable for misleading documents and hidden truths...
God made me a writer for a reason....that's one thing that I can't avoid.....and I will take great advantage of what he has to say about what life is doing to people......
The shame is on the government for not stepping in, as well as the FDA not revealing what was really happening.....My case got nowhere with anyone....and whoever I saw, I wrote it down....
I have many people to thank for helping me fight this war......I'm an Empowerment Coach and mentor today working to mend the minds of many......reprogram the mind and life changes.....
God bless my angles,Β
Giggles the Poet is back.....
Knowledge is power and I've learned many lessons.....
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