My reality

Before I go to bed ive got to say this.
Ā Three days ago as I was being airlifted to UC Davis, when I was looking out the helicopters window and seeing how beautiful the world is from a birds eye view, this thing called fear completely took over every other emotion I had. I had seen this kind of thing in movies before and use to think to myself that would be so crazy and that could never happen to me. Then there I was living that movie in real life, my life. My brain went completely silent for the rest of the fly there. Besides this very faint voice that kept reassuring me that I was going to be okay. Next thing I know I'm at UC Davis getting IVs put in a catheter taken out and monitors on my stomach to keep an eye on the baby's heart rate and my contractions. I started calling my boyfriend the baby's dad and my mom crying. I was so scared but I also knew that I was in good hands. If I wouldn't have been scared I don't think I'd be concerned human. The very next day I was woken up by a room full of nurses saying that I was about to be giving birth. The baby's dad my boyfriend wasn't back there yet. And I told them what no he isn't here. But there was no stopping the baby from coming. It was a total of about 6 to 8 mins if that and baby Lynn Marie Morphis was here in the world. I didn't get to hold her or even see her at that point. One of the nurses asked if I'd like a picture and I said yes so she grabbed my phone put in my code and took a couple of pictures for me. Then I heard her little cry and my heart was so grateful that she was breathing. They rushed her outta the room. Finished making sure everything was okay with me and then I called James her dad and told him she was just born. Shortly after he arrived. He grabbed me and we just hugged hella tight for a min. And as small as that bed was he stayed next to me all night. Besides when nurses came in to check me he got out of the bed. The next day I was being realised after we went up and see our baby girl. Which was so hard to see her like she was. And then to have to leave her was even harder. Today makes day three since Lynn was born and being three months early she is putting up such a good fight. She has a long road ahead of her as do dad and I but we have so many friends and family and even strangers out there that are praying for us constantly and supporting us with love and everything else. We are here in Sacramento staying over night to be with our daughter. And honestly without every ones help and support we might not have made it here today.Ā I knew that people had love for me and what not. But I never knew just how much love care andĀ family/friends I had until now. I was so blinded from it all and it just makes my heart so full of gratitude. My life may never be like it once was and that I'm 100% okay with. Because this new life that has begun for me James andĀ our baby girl is one that I want. And after our daughter gets to come home with us everything will be just the way I dreamed things would be as a little girl.Ā
You have one beautiful journey ahead...enjoy every moment š