My Way of Working Bad Stuff Out

~~I speak from a place where I 'self help' my mental health. An admission I now freely make with no shame. I have conquered and continue to work on 'damage limitation' of my life and its possibilities. I am now not judged as a victim but a soul that has learnt what I can do to help myself everyday. I found most of my answers by pure suffering, trial and error. I now value myself and am confident of my 'well being' plan because it's mine. I would like to share with you, in the hope that you can connect and apply these small measure which have improved my days. It is not radical or new. It is not complicated or requires 'in depth' probing into the 'why' we feel the way you do sometimes but a trick I've learnt from desperation and despair, consumed in my misery. Please feel free to bail at this point.......but I hope you will continue to read how I changed my days that be.... well sometimes they are just bearable and sometimes a sheer pleasure.
It's all about the moment you find yourself in. Do not analyse why it happened or what created the low mood. Focus on making it pretty short and not worth dissecting.
Just change the moment.... Your surroundings are a big player. Move to somewhere else, a room, go outside, Enforce your need to change your space. Changing your surroundings will change your thoughts. It is unhealthy to drown in the same closed space that provides no stimulation to escape how you feel. Change your space.
Change your appearance. No I'm not talking hairstyles, body art, a make over that does not suit. If your clothes are grubby and your hair a mess and your skin is dry. Do something. Change it. Spruce yourself . Not hours, just a quick fix to change what you see in the mirror.
Move around.... Clean the fridge, sort some cupboards, scrub the kitchen floor..... Move your body anyhow.
Create diversions, blast out the radio, put the TV on, go on U tube and watch funny videos. Give your mind a pathway to escape solace and gloom.
Open contact with people.....Anyone... Call or text a friend. Go on forums and join in conversations that can stimulate a change in your thoughts. Open new avenues. Get involved in topics that inspire and create healthy interest. Don't be shy..... You are valuable to thousands of people out there.
Never let your moments of despair turn into a day. If you have a pain in your side you treat it by way of pain relief, rest and you nurse it back to health. Do the same for your mind. Challenge the moment and don't give in to it. Change your surroundings, change your look, move around 'do something....anything, Activate your mind.... get interested in the smallest thing like cooking, politics.. Use your voice and mind it is amazing in everyway. Challenge what you read and hear. Give your view. Engross your mind in voicing your view.... The topic does not matter. Found a tiny passion and build and build.
I have lived by this method for many years since my teens in fact. I am now 50 and still this works for me.
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Hi Jane!! This is exactly what I needed to read right now and I really hope more people view this because it is excellent advice!! I cannot begin to describe how right you are about everything I just read. I agree 100%. Excellent work...adding to my favorites and will share this with others I know who need to read this! I also found this specific suggestion quite helpful in my personal life for it made a huge difference for me:
Much Love!
Val ♥
When at my most lowest ebb I met a mental health nurse who told me the truth........He was special in every way... He has become a close friend. He helped me design a way for me to be happy. No drugs, no counselling, no questions that meant nothing such as 'why, when, what ' He laughed with me and gave me confidence to be myself and feel ok to be different. That was my starting point. No label is ever worthy of you.... and what you can do. We are all amazing is every way. The one thing I do without hesitation, if I need, is change my space. It starts a new beginning.... a clean slate to work from. I hope it works for you and anyone else it touches. If I can give one thing to master here it is 'change your space' it works.
Love and victory
Jane XX
An amazing and practical read Jane, I too found this write very helpful...everything you said in here makes sense to me, good advice and well written indeed...thanks, this one is a keeper...I'm def. going to try every bit of this...cheers