The it is!!!!

Now I'm angry
We have environmental parks which cost the earth to visit
We can go there and watch the pacing up and down
We can watch the tedious feeding time
We can tap on a captive shield and read the extinct rate with pity
My question is why are all these beautiful animals incarcerated
Oh for their future............ Which is what??
A glorified circus.......They will never be free.They are prisoners in a world they hate
Their existence is painful
We should be ashamed to make these places and charge to see
Money and corruption again. You are exploiting yet again
You insult my intelligence by asking a £10 admission fee
Your environmental parks is just a new name for a zoo - a contained mad house
Years ago things of interest were in a jar in a back street show in Birmingham
What in God's name has changed?
Your ecological plan is a fucking sham!!!!!!!!!!!
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