Mystery Of Missing Ships And Planes Solved

Any one ever wonder were all the planes and ships that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle have gone?
Well I found I out one Christmas Day. My parents had got me this really cool aircraft carrier toy that actually launched airplanes off it's deck using catapults just like real Aircraft carrier do.
Well during one of my missions to defend the free world from enemies military forces. I launched one of my planes off my deck of my ship and watched it sore up ward through the air, then went into a barrel roll, then went into a dive and crashed right into the black dark ocean of my mothers hair who was sleeping on the couch in the room I was playing in.
Well I never recovered the down plane it was declared missing in action. Until a couple of months latter,when my mother ask me to go up to her bed room and retrieve something for her from her dresser. While search for the object she wanted I found my down naval plane that had gone missing months before. There it was lying at the bottom of one of her dresser drawers. I rescue the plane and hid it in my bed room. So do you want my mom's phone number encase a airplane or ship disappears?
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
March 8, 2015
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I am glad you enjoy this humorous story. No one's missing stuff is insignificant! We will send in a search part right away.
Cool story-line, my applause, my vote
Regards & Love