Normality is and Illusion

"Normal is an illusion" "What is normal for the spider is the chaos for the fly"
Charles Addams.
FB asks Me what I'm thinking, I think after several months rehearsing the techniques of the micro-narrative is the time to publish some, and this story between normal and abnormal seems ideal and very appropriate for such a company, in three or four lines to be able to tell something that invites to think and that produces emotions to the reader.
The Normal thing more than an Illusion is something Relative.
He thought aloud the writer while with an expression of horror looked at old photographs that showed the aberrations committed by the slavers of The Nineteenth Century, and some of the most bloodthirsty and cruel genocides of The Twentieth Century. The abnormal is made normal with edicts and laws. The writer pondered looking at the spider coming out of his cave, and the normal can become abnormal also with edicts, rules, laws and rulings, that like the buzz of the fly caught between the threads of the spider, they attract chaos.
What for the spider is normal, is the chaos for the fly, or for the ant that for one reason or another has fallen prey on the net.
The good is not relative,
Neither evil is a crossroads,
Chaos is not a sigh,
It's a poisoned arrow.
The normality that for some is a dream, for others means a nightmare, and even if the fly is normal to fly chaos, crime, abuse or abandonment in pursuit of survival will never be normal.
Since the world is the normal world for some, for others it is an aberration, what is normal for some people is chaos for others, but within that contradiction there is always a part that has more reason and usually outstands on the side of the victims.
The Normal is Not Always Real, it can be a mirage or a hologram that defying the laws and rules of space time is reprogrammed between our lines of life.
The normal does the custom and education, there are things that should be normal within any culture or within any religion, It is normal to be born, to grow and to die of natural death, yes, these are normal things, but they can never go through normal, torture, plunder or murder.
Is normal an illusion?
is a summer dream normal?
The normal thing is that inside the heart is a human feeling that we humanized, and that of that humanity arises the difference that separates us from the insects.
A hug for all poets and poets from Africa, America, Europe and Oceania, also for all authors and for all readers of Cosmofunnel.
"It is not normal the pain, neither the horror nor the suffering, there is no normal grudge, fear or subjugation. The high and low passions are normal, it is normal concord, justice and the freedom of people, when minorities in a country live at the expense of the suffering of the rest of their inhabitants, all those revolutions that both progress and setback have brought to humanity are incubated, of Sad springs is full of history, the two most recent, the spring of Prague and the Arab are two examples of relativity and of how things doing honor to Murphy's laws, are aggravated"
Gaia told Me.