Our Church Serves Threes kinds Of Communion Wafers

Any one out there who is of the Catholic faith ? In the Catholic church people will genuflect toward the tabernacle which is located behind the alter and stands about shoulder level. It is a compartment where the communion wafers are kept in a Chalice , and kept behind a curtain. This tabernacle represents the Old Testament Jewish Tent Of Meeting where the was a compartment in the tent call the Holy of Holies ,where the Ark Of The Covenant was kept.
The Ark Of The Covenant was were God's Spirit would hover over The Mercy Seat and meet with the High priest once a year, who would offer the sacrifice to God to cover their nation's sins in the sight of the Lord.
One day two men walk into a catholic Church. Now one Guy belongs to the congregation, and the the other guy was invited to be the first Guy's guest.
The Guest ask his Friend, " Why dose you church have three tabernacles be hind the alter ?"
The Parishioner answers ," Our Church try to accommodate ever one's needs ,so nothing will hider them from partaking of Holy communion ."
" Our Church serve three kinds of communion wafers:Regular ,Diet,Gluten free ! "
This joke was inspire by story told to me by my older brother.
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo April 4,2016
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