They say love at first sight
does not exist.
But…. it does …..it does….I know.
I think I was 18 at the time
It was 1990 in Mexico
At first she was only a picture on a poster.
I was learning Spanish
And the old movie theatre
in the small town
Was showing movies
of the golden era of Mexican films
On the billboard was her picture
I saw her for the first time
My young heart beat in my chest.
In. All my days I had never
Seen such a beautiful woman
Then I saw her movie
She filled the silver screen
Shining like the star she was.
I stayed and watched the movie again.
By the end of the night I was in love.
Indelibly connected to her.
Research showed me she was born
In 1902 reality told me she was 88
Still she would not leave my heart.
For the next year I watched every movie
She ever made again and again
I carried her picture by my heart
in my breast pocket.
Always so in love with her.
I tried dating other ladies
my own age they were lovely…
but. ….they were not her.
Then one day I read small editorial
About her in a Spanish newspaper.
It spoke of her beauty and many movies
and her impact on the Mexican film.
It also said she lived a quiet life in the
country outside of Boston.
The old car I drove
all I could afford
on a Spanish teachers salary
It finally made it through
the fifteen hundred mile trip.
And I arrived at the tiny cottage
With Boston ivy growing on its facade.
The fall colors of new England
shone in the late autumn sunlight.
Suddenly there I was only
a few footsteps from the woman
I was helplessly in love with.
I knocked gently on the front door.
Then she opened it
she was young and beautiful
How could this be.?
I stuttered nervously
I have been in love with you
for 10 years.
She looked at me unsure.
But I don't know you
she answered softly.
I carry your picture
close to my heart I said
shoeing her her perfect likeness.
She laughed
oh that is my grandmother.
She allowed me in
I met her at last.
She was still beautiful
Even in the ravages of old age.
So regal and elegant.
I confessed my whole story to her
As I noticed her granddaughter
Observing me.
Two years later
We introduced the twins
to their great grandmother
She smiled and knew
that in some small way
She had starred
In her last romance.
Hi Jude, I am 60 soon to be 61. Recently I fell in love too, I discovered this gorgeous man named Richard Widmark. I had never noticed him before. Suddenly I was going through every movie I could find with him in it.
If he played a bad guy, I loved and searched for the cause of his anger. If he played a good guy I rejoiced in his glorious behavior.
I have found I prefer him as he aged. His wrinkles only adding charm to that boyish face. I fear my story can not end as yours, he passed away long before I discovered him. Alas.... Cheryl