"Yesterday was my sweet hearts birthday,she is 4.5 billion years old...pretty old,she should not hear me..,"laughed President ,thinking about his love.He lives in Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park , Visalia , California..He remembered the first day of his origin ,when as a seed falling on her bosom in a cold evening.Lay in her lap for days ,eventually she has given shelter to me to flourish .President said to the near by sequoia trees ,"I am very young ,only 3200 years in comparison to Jomon Sugi of Japan who is 7000 years old.But My love is immortal with my sweetheart ,Earth .Humans call her in different names ,but i love to call her as Gaia ." Jini ,the 300 years old young sequoia , stood tall proudly listening to the love story between Gaia and President.
"Gaia is the most beautiful planet in this solar system,she knows only to love and give.I reincarnated many times to be in love with her and will in future ." said President overwhelmingly.All other growing sequoia trees heard him patiently,as they were waiting for the President to talk about his love story since 500 years.General Grant 3000 years
old,another sequoia tree from Kings Canyon National Park in California ,heard this conversation and said,"Hello,She is my love too ,President ,don't misguide the youngsters."President responded," but that's only one way,General .You may be world's Christmas tree and your trunk may be bigger but nothing compared to my love towards Gaia" .Theo, a 200 hundred years old said "I am frustrated we are so less in number and we can't walk and talk like humans.They can't even hear our sound".
In gentle breeze President swayed ,that's the way trees smile.And said," 5000 years ago earth was repleted with lush green beauty.That time humans lived in caves . They were very small in number but slowly multiplied so fast ,now a threat to Gaia and other species . Humans are evolving species ,with lot of intelligence but inutile .They slowly invaded us and other species , that now we are limited in national parks.I still remember those years of 19th and 20th centuries ,during industrial revolution,. When many of our families were destroyed ruthlessly.Humans have forgotten that, living in harmony with nature is life ."
Countless trees were cut down,various animal's habitat's were destroyed.And many species are extinct due to their negligence.President added,"I remember my friends from east crying in anguish regarding their survival ,as humans are overpopulated,struggling everyday for bread and shelter.That memory of our service to mankind is repressed.We
provide the vital Oxygen for their existence, a cool atmosphere, trees love their carbon dioxide and help in bringing rain .And without us they can't survive, few people eat our species ,call themselves as vegetarians while majority of the crowd feed our produce to animals to eat them later ,and love to be known as non vegetarians.In either case they are dependent on plant kingdom."All trees listened in silence.
Gaia sighed and said,"whatever you said is true dear President,this is why "I LOVE YOU ," industrial revolution has advanced them but left me wounded for ever.All the pollutants were pumped into my rivers,ocean,lands and they even didn't left the outer space,an astronaut named Edward Higgins,his glove is still along with other space junk revolving around me.It's so annoying ,folks .I have embraced from seed to carcass to any kind of waste within me.But now the time is up ,my bosom is full with hazardous nuclear pollutant's .Products growing out from me either on land or sea are carcinogenic ,as I am polluted.I am voiceless these many years, nature tried to help me with bringing Tsunami,Hurricane,floods and fires .And many time i send violent tremors in disagreement still human's not awakening and climate changes is inevitable due to man's actions. Increasing diseases ,drought and famine are regular uninvited visitors on my plane,which i never wished.She gently rotated sending silent tremors around in
President understood Gaia, reassured her saying ," But hope for a change, i heard still goodness alive,amidst few good souls incarnated on earth.They are trying to create
awareness . Yesterday was celebrated as National Earth day,many trees were planted .Seeds of compassion towards you and other species were invoked within the younger generations of humans. And many national reserves are made to conserve the other species.Humans should control their growing population,as it has reached a dangerous level to their survival . As a result their life is in a constant struggle filled with miseries,poverty for love and ration.Happy we should feel as they are promoting to convert their cities green and their environment clean.Damage done is irreparable.But these good efforts will bring good fruits to reap in future.Gaia smiled by sending small quakes which President yearn to receive ,swinging his branches side to side.All the
sequoia trees swayed in happiness.Jini and General Grant said at once,"now We Know why you are PRESIDENT 'S GAIA"....all of them waved side to side while earth in bliss discharged tremors in love.
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A simple story, narrated so well, based on national Earth day ( 22 April )
My applause, My Nomination.
Regards & Love
I read an article 2 weeks ago regarding THE PRESIDENT, a giant sequoia tree living in the forest reserves of Sequoia National Park California.When i saw the picture ,instantly i was drowned in the beauty of this 3200 year old magnificent being .It was like love at first sight,now when I am typing these lines my heart is thumping fast with varied emotions flowing out in respect and love for President .My heartfelt salutation to this lovely being.So a tiny effort to fantasize him in my own way as a tribute to my fellow beings(INCLUDING HUMANS) on earth.And Yesterday was "WORLD EARTH DAY"folks..so a tribute to our beautiful planet.A little drop of love from Piusha's Cosmos....
Recommended listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpOwzzQyK70
will enhance imagery while reading...
Dear William ,I am extremely glad to know that you like my new profound love for this magnificent being .Actually i thought to write a poem but my love was overflowing towards him...that's how PRESIDENT'S GAIA is born.This write is extremely close to my soul,as I admire him and her..
My deep gratitude for your support and nomination .I can't stop saying that I am totally smitten by this magnificent giant's glory.Lately I realized my love is compassionate as compartmentalized love is the cause for my suffering...a great relief...feeling love for every thing around us a beautiful feeling Willy.I am very emotional now..sorry forgive me for my mistakes.
Life is a mystery, Forget the dreams, Forgive the Foe, Regards & Love, WILLIAMSJI MAVELI
Wow William,amazing verses..
Dreams are my gateway
to an unknown world
No life without my dreams
Foe is a word erased from
my dictionary,so no worry....
Great Writer..!! Very well narrated..Great work my friend..!!
Thnxxx my dear friend Surabhi, for appreciating my work.This write up is immensely near to my heart as I felt strong emotions towards President ,the magnificent being alive since 3200 years.I know there are other beings older than him but mere sight of President's picture made me to sink in his glory and I don't know I was in a different realm experiencing the love for them.It was so peaceful yet a sweet longing to see this beautiful creation of nature in my lifetime before death.A feel that we met before....I may write another story now,getting emotional lol.
Love ya
My special congrats on your winning of the THIRD PLACE for story writing,
Congrats, Love, Hugs
Dear William I am extremely delighted to hear this recognition .It has given value to my writings.I feel very blessed today.
Thnxxx-for your lovely support.
Love and hugs to you as well
Dear Rachel my deep gratitude, I just now returned from work and feel blessed with this one of the most happiest moments in my life..
My deep gratitude
Well Done Piusha!!..You really are a first class writer!...Well deserved hun! x:)
I am extremely delighted with recognition in cosmo funnel, feeling blessed..my deep gratitude to you dear enchantress. .
Congoozzz Sweetheart..:) :) I am soo veryy happyy for youu...!!
Well deserved !!
Loads of love
Thnxxx my sweet Surabhi ,I am immensely grateful for your soulful comments ,every time i read , i feel you very close to my heart .Love you dear
Lots of love and hugs
Awesome!!! Congratulations sweetie!!!
Much Love!
Val ♥️
My dearest Val, my deep gratitude for your love..