Pumpkin Carve Come Out And See World Renown Artist Work Their magic

Good morning,
Today is the Great Pumpkin Carve at The Chads Ford Historical society in Chads Ford Pa. The Carving will being at 4:30 PM. Come out and watch world renowned artist work their magic.
Pray for me today that God will equip me with the tools: Good health and strength,talent and skill to carve the vision He has given me, enjoyment and Endurance as I work my craft,and that we finish on time, Good hospitable weather.
Now the pumpkins will be on display Thursday- Saturday their is live music,food, vendors, haunted hay ride.
Location Pa.-Del boarder. Directions: 202 south to Rt.1 ,turn right onto RT.1, Rt 1 to Rt 100, turn right at Hank's restaurant, go up Rt 100 about half a football fields distance and the Chad's ford Historical society is on your right . The build is an old barn.
parking is in a field that is located a little further up the road on the same side. Their will be signs and personnel directing you to the park area.Â
I hope you will check it out ,the artistry will blow you away.