Story -

Santa Story

Standing in line with my  gifts to purchase   we were  next to  Santa’s   chair where  he was  listening  to the  children  telling him  what  they wanted for Christmas ,  I seen this little girl  climb in his lap ,  and she  was dressed in hand me downs   her  coat had holes in it and her shoes  were  ragged .   Santa said  and what can I bring you  for  Christmas  this year little girl ,  and she surprised him   and me  by saying  Santa I don’t want anything this  year  for myself , but  could  you  bring   my  daddy a job , and  a nice  dress for my mom , and  a new pair of shoes  for my  best friend  she doesn’t have any shoes  please  Santa  I have been good .  I was   amassed  as Santa  started to tear up and he  said in a trembling voice   hunny  I will my best  to  bring  you what you asked .   The little girl got down and walked off and toward the door   I felt the need to follow her and she where she was going   I stayed back so she wouldn’t see.    She went to run down apartment building and went in   I watched as she went in.   I stopped a person coming and asked did you see that little girl   the just went in do you know her and her family.   The person yes I know them   the most wonderful people    but having a hard time   this year the dad lost his job about 4 months ago, the mom is so sweet she gave up her dresses to others for they had   cloths   such a shame.  And the person walked off.  All  the way  home I thought about the little girl and her family   but struck me  was how unselfish she was and wanted a new pair of shoes  for her friend   for Christmas   I decided  that they would have a good Christmas  this year .

The  very next day I talked to my uncle  that owned a business and told him of the  family   and he said   yes  have the dad come in  and I will give him a job .   one  things done   2 more to go   Now I had to get  mom  a new dress  no  not just one  but several ,    and the little girls  friend  a new pair of shoes and a pair for the selfless little girl.       I went back to the mall and  talked to  the Santa  there and he agree to help with  what I had planned  and help with getting  the dress and shoes  and we even got a new suit for the dad .   soon it was  Christmas  eve  and we put our plan in to action     I took the Santa  to the building  where the little girl lived  and we found out where  they lived and he went in and knocked on their  door  .    I was in the stair well so the that I could see the family that raised such a selfless little girl.  

The mom opened the door dressed in a thread bare dress but her hairs was combed and she had a smile the lite up the hallway.   she  yes Santa what can I help you with   Santa  laughed  his Santa laugh and  said  I have visit from your little girl  the other day  so I think it not what you can to for me dear lady but what I can do for you .  the mother looked at Santa  and said I don’t understand  Santa , may I come in dear lady   I have something for you all in  my bag    I never noticed  it till them  it was bulging   I was  wondering  naaa couldn’t be .    So Santa went in and I followed telling the mom I was a friend of Santa‘s    we went in   and the apartment was spotless   clean but the furniture was old and worn.  They had a small tree in the corner with nothing under it  ,   Santa said this will never do . And staring putting gifts under the tree form his bag.   The little girl’s father came from another room and said who was at the door and stopped short watching Santa placing gifts under the tree.   Santa stood and looked at the father and hand him a envelope   and said open it please. the father opened the envelope  and read it and said  this can’t be true  it is a joke    Santa shook his  head  no  sir no joke   you start  Monday at you new  job .   Now where is that little girl that came to see me    just then she came in the door from outside.     Her  face lite up when she seen Santa in her home   Santa went down on one knee  and said  Janet  Hun  come here and take me to you little friends home     I was  again wondering how he knew her name   this time   no, no  can’t  be  he doesn’t exist .    Janet took him out the door and down the hall to another apartment   she knocked and the mom answered the door , Janet said Santa want to see  grace    can he please   of course  he can   I noticed that Santa’s back was again  bulging  

We enter Janet’s  little friends  home and Santa  brought out a box with ban new shoes  for Janet’s friend grace      Janet   said  see grace I told you Santa would bring you a pair of shoes .    the little girl was crying tears of joy   as she looked at her new shoes    while this was going on   Santa had placed gifts under the tree and slipped out without us seen   Janet  turned and said   Santa  thank-you  but he was gone  and I had not seen him leave .  I went in to the hall  and he was gone    no one had seen him  leave .  I will thank him at the mall .  

I went to  the mall after saying good-bye to Janet and her family and her friends family     I asked at the mall where the Santa was that worked  there   I was told   miss we didn’t have a Santa this year  we couldn’t afford  one    sorry 

So  never tell me there are no  miracles  I know I witness one  and Santa does exist     merry  Christmas and peace on earth to all   

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