what is a vet

I am married to a veteran and never really understood exactly what it meant I know he is proud to be a vet. I will try to explain in this story just what a vet is not sure if any will get it. A vet is man or woman that raised their hand and swore and oath to our country. On top a vet also sign a check to protect this country any way necessary up to and including their life. But I have found that most vets are much more than that. they will cry when the national anthem is played and they will always say a prayer every night for all the fallen ones that didn’t come home and the ones that came home wounded and maimed . They go out of their way to help others you ask one why they do it they will simply say because it is the right thing to do. a vet will give his last dime to another one so that one can eat or get a place to sleep they take care of their own no matter what branch of the service they were in . Now I see how our country is treating our vets and it is not right all the promises that we made to them is just words. Oh you can get a home loan we will take care of your medical needs that all seems to be just a bunch of smoke to hide the truth. I have been to the vet hospital on several occasions and I see the vets waiting for medical help it is sad. When you see the Dr. And get helped they had you a bill at the end of your visit REALLY. Ok let buy a home we have ha VA loan no you don’t you have a loan guarantee not a loan what heck but we can spend billions to bail out Chevy and they still screw it up REALLY. But here is what makes them veterans they don’t complain they carry on just like when they were in active service they adapt and overcome like they were trained to do that is what a vet is and with that I say proudly to all the vets thank-you so very much for your service to our country and I am sorry you are getting treated this way bur fear not my hero’s god will bless always of this I am sure
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