Short Story- Never Forget

Silver shone on the ground between them. He reached for her, just as she reached for him. He toppled to the ground, legs crumpled beneath his body, arms skewed to the sides. His silver blood leaked across the clearing. Too much of it. She cried violet tears as she cradled his broken body in her arms. He stared up at her his mouth moving but unable to make a sound, his vocal cords had been severed by the first spear. She smiled gently down at him through her tears. She smiled as his moon bright blood stained his pale lips. She smiled as his bright blue eyes started to dim. She even smiled as his chest shuddered to a stop. Then, she screamed. She felt their bond sever, it was like fire racing through her veins. But she refused to let go of her now dead mate. Even as the pain shuddered through her, making her beg to die to make it end, she wouldn’t let go of his rapidly cooling body. When the pain faded hours later, she looked down at him and smiled. One last time for her love. Then, she left, her sorrow marred the once pretty clearing and her wails echoed in nature’s memories. She would never forgive, and she would never forget.
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