Short Story- You're Breaking Up

I can’t hear you….You’re breaking up! Are you on a cellphone?” The voice in her ear was tinny though the microscopic speaker as she cowered behind the roughly made crate wall. “Yes! Come on, Lui! I need you here now!” Lila’s breath came in frightened spurts Lui’s voice became increasingly broken in her ear. “Just wait…..I’m almost there!” Slow footsteps crunched on gravel. Lila’s clear blue eyes bulged in fear. “It’s too late……” She whispered, dropping the phone with a clatter. “I’m sorry Lui.” Lui’s cries and pleas still filtered out of the speakers when Lila’s pained screams faded and blood turned the clearing red. By the time Lui arrived she was gone. Gone but he could feel that she was still alive. Lui’s eyes turned icy gold as he screamed his rage and pain to the silent silver moon over his head. His deathly howls echoed across the clearing as he vowed his vengeance to the man who took his mate.
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