Once upon a time, in the Island of emerald green, dwelled the most lecherous leprechaun that ever could be. This tiny terror haunted a trail that ran through a glen between the village of Limerick and St. Katherine’s Parochial School for teen girls. He’d hide among the green fauna, till a young Coleen would come skipping by on her way to school, then ambush her. With the speed of a green bolt of lightning, he dash between her legs and take a picture up their skirt. Before the poor girl had a chance to realize what had happened, he’d be standing on a log mocking them as he jigged to a song.
“I took me a picture
Of your panties
To show all the boys
At St. Thomas Academy
There’s nothing you can do
But cry “boo hoo hoo”
And run like a fool
All the way to your school”
So in tears they’d run to St. Katherine’s to tell their beloved teacher, Sister Dana, as to what happened. But though the good Sister was understanding of most of the girls problems her tolerance for female submissiveness when confronted by sexist men was quite limited.
“Why didn’t you catch the little shit,” she’d say. ”And make him grant you a wish.”
“Because Sister Dana,” they’d cry, “he’s between our legs and out the other side, before you can bat an eye. So if you could please just petition the Arch Dioceses to buy us new uniforms with ankle length hemlines, so he doesn’t have room to zoom between our knees with ease.”
This troubled Sister Dana felt terribly. For indeed the girls were in desperate need of new school uniforms to replace their old ones so worn. But with St. Katherine’s School in such desperate need of repair she it would be foolish to ask for money when the Arch Dioceses didn’t have the funds to spare.
So after a day of prayer and contemplation, the good Sister Dana decided she would take matters into her own hands. In the morning she planned to confront that perverted little man all by herself.
The next day the determined Sister Dana set out on her mission, without the slightest fear or hesitation. For the good Sister Dana was no run-of-the-mill nun. She was a member of the Vatican’s elite order, ‘The Sister of Dominia,’ known for their strength and courage. Besides, even though the leprechaun had magic, she possessed a bit of her own. For she carried a very old rosary that had been blessed by no other than St. Patrick himself.
Making her way down the trail she made a sharp turn at a bend. There, standing on a log, was the mischievous leprechaun. “Top of the morning to ya Sister,” he greeted her.
“So you’re the little rascal who’s been scaring my girls. Well Mr. Leprechaun let’s see you try your magic speed on me,” Sister Dana replied.
“Oh I’d never do such a thing. Not that I’m not able to slide under your ankle length hem with the greatest of ease, but because I have too much respect for the Holy Sea to be taken a picture of a Sister’s panties,” he said with a laugh.
The sister realized she’d need to offer him more of an incentive. “I rather doubt your speed is too much for me. So let me up the ante. How about I take off my panties to make this more sporty?”
Surprised at her offer, his pipe nearly fell from his mouth, “That dear Sister is an offer I cannot resist, but are you wearing your undies at this minute?”
“No, but if you turn around, and give a little privacy I can slip them off in a second,” she assured.
The leprechaun immediately turned around as she requested. So Sister Dana quickly lifted her habit, and slipped off her knickers. But in the same motion she also did something else. She looped her rosary around her ankles before dropping her hem. “I’m ready!” She then said.
With a mischievous jig and a laugh, and a puff on his pipe the leprechaun said, “faster than lightning I’m coming!” And he burst into a green ball of light and shot underneath the Sister Dana’s habit. But the light did not burst out the other side. Instead there was terrible ruckus underneath the sister’s habit followed by some muffled cussing. Sister Dana lifted her hem a bit to examine the Leprechaun’s predicament. “Stars and moons,” he yelled, “what’s got a hold of me?”
“You little nasty leprechaun you’re all tangled up in my rosary, and now I’ve caught you fair and square,” she answered. “So you know what that means.”
“Okay, okay,” he pleaded with disgust. “Just get me out of here and I’ll be granting ya your one wish.”
“After all what you put my girls through, you think I’m going to let you go for one wish,” she sternly replied? “Well Mr. Leprechaun you’re going to get something from me that you’d never wish for.”
Picking the Leprechaun up by his belt, the stately good Sister Dana sat down on the log and placed him over her lap. “I’m going to show you what I do to my students when they’re misbehaving.” Snapping off a nearby sapling branch the sister held it high, then, with swift arm lashed it across the leprechaun’s little behind.
“Ouch! In the name of Saint Gallagher, that hurts,” he cried.
“Whack…Whack…Whack! Jesus, Joseph and Mary. Please Sister stop,” he pleaded!
“Why you little green goblin, how dare you use that language with me. Obviously you’re not understanding. Maybe if we drop your pants it will improve your comprehension.” And the Sister unbuckled his britches and pulled them down over his wee knees.
Upon seeing his smooth blush bottom, Sister Dana paused to comment. “So that’s where you guys came up with the idea of putting pink moons in cereal. I’ve always wondered why you did such a thing.” Then the Sister resumed her task. “Whack…Whack…Whack!”
“Oh Please Sister, your almost hitting me precious blarney stones and rainbow.” But the leprechaun’s pleas did not deter the good Sister Dana, “Whack…Whack…Whack!”
“Please stop Sister. I wasn’t a cussing. I was praying for divine intervention.”
“Okay, I’ll stop, but I’ll need six wishes,” she said pausing.
“Sorry Sister but by the sacred oath of the clan of the leprechauns I can only grant you,…Whack…Whack…Whack!” Before he could finish the Sister had resumed her parochial duties. “Whack…Whack…Whack!”
“Okay, okay Sister,” the sobbing leprechaun pleaded. “I’ll grant you two wishes.”
Sister Dana paused to concentrate on the matter, and then said. “Make it four, and we got a deal.”
“No Sister I…Whack-Whack-Whack-Whack-Whack!” Sister Dana replied with a vicious flurry of strikes while saying so matter of fact, “I can do this all day long.”
“STOP! THAT’S ENOUGH SISTER,” the crying leprechaun screamed. “I can’t take it. Three, three, I beg ya. Let me give ya three wishes. But I can’t give you no more,” he said between sobs. “That’s all my magic’s good for.”
Sister Dana paused and said out-loud to herself. “Now that’s what’s called “the art of negotiation.”
“Alright Sister. Will ya be letting me go?”
“Not till you’ve granted my wishes,” she insisted
“Okay, what will they be,” he asked?
“Of course the first one will be for a pot of gold.”
“Granted!” The leprechaun confirmed. Instantly there appeared a cast iron pot filled with coins at the Sister’s side.
“Second, you must swear by your honor never to bother any of my girls ever again,” she demanded harshly.
“Yes Sister, I swear by all the Saints in heaven I’ll never bother a one of them again,” he answered. “Now what will your third and finale wish be?”
“That you appear at this very place, on this very log, next Monday morning without wearing any pants or underwear what so ever,” she said curtly. “So my girls can humiliate you like you did them.”
“Oh please Sister, we leprechauns are a shy lot,” he begged. “Don’t be forcing me to show me blarney stones and rainbow to those young ladies. Besides the Holy Sea would never approve of them seeing such a sight.
“Your right,” she said slapping his little ass in agreement. “Tell you what, remember what Adam wore in the Garden of Eden for modesty’s sake?
“Yes Sister, he wore a leaf from a fig tree,” he answered in a desperate voice.
“Well you can wear a leaf too, but not one from a fig tree, but a shamrock instead,” she added.
“Sister, a shamrock will barely cover me leprechaun bits,” he answered.
“Trust me little man,” Sister Dana reassured, “a shamrock is all you’ll be needing to cover those little things.”
So the little leprechaun reluctantly agreed. After suffering the humility of the taunting teen Colleens, he disappeared never to be seen in the glen again. And St. Katherine’s Parochial School got a grand remodeling with the leprechaun’s gold. And there was enough left over to purchase new school uniforms for the girls of St. Katherine’s.
Funny thing though, when Sister Dana allowed the girls to pick out the style, they didn’t choose longer hemlines like they had asked previously for. In fact, they picked skirts that were even shorter than the ones they had before.
The End
(0f the rainbow)
Thank you Cheri,
I recently submitted this to a story contest, and thought I'd repost it here. Wish me luck on a win!
Recently my entry to Ms. Dana Kane's spanking story contest has been selected as a finalist. But it's one of many well written fictional spanking stories submitted. So if you're a spanko, who'd like to read some titillating stories about spankings, go to her site. And if you like my contribution I'd appreciate the vote.
Vote for your favorite Spanking Wish story!
My entry is #18 : Sister Dana and the Leprechaun
I won!