~~Every day in America, sexual aggressive women take advantage of innocent men, and nobody gives a damn. It’s time we all started to care. Shia LaBeouf's allegations of being raped by a woman, has opened old wounds left in my mind, of when I too, was sexually assaulted by female. And I confess them here and now, so other men, such as Shia and me, can come out of the shadows of shame, and tell their stories as well.
Yes, I was sexually assaulted by a woman too. Big Foot, (aka. Sasquatch Sally) captured me while I was deer hunting the North woods of Minnesota. And yes, for those of you who didn’t know, Big Foot is indeed, a woman.
 For nearly two weeks I was kept as her love slave, in one of the many remote caves found along the North Shore of Lake Superior. There I had to suffer her every whim and perverse desire. I only cooperated with her to ensure my own survival. Which wasn’t as hard as you might think, considering once she’s exfoliated, she isn’t half bad looking, in a Kloe Kardashian sort of way. It wasn’t till I convinced her to do a B&B run (Bic razors & beer), that I finally was able to escape.
"So Shia, I want you to know
That I support you, bro!”
 Kimmy Alan
Hope he reads it.