the story of the lost love

She looked at him as her last tear over him was shed,
Her last hug was given tightly,
As she was the first to let her go,
"It doesn't have to be this way," He says,
"I don't feel the same,"
The street lights gleams off the reflection of the car,
"I will not let you go like this, we were meant to be,"
She turned her face slightly to face down her left shoulder so avoid the kiss she knew he would try to place on her to keep her,
She pulled away as if to walk back inside with a violent yank of her arm so he would loosen his grip
Before she could even think about what to do next, she turned to go inside her house, not considering how she would feel when the only man she had ever loved would no longer be there for her. No longer be there to hold her hand, to kiss her when she was lonely. No longer be there to have long talks on the phone at night, to watch her swim meets. No longer there to be her best friend, to share all their goals and secrets. No longer there to help her grow in her faith, to stand by her side.
No longer there, at all.
And she continued up the driveway, closing the door with a subtle push.
She watched him through the blinds, go back to his car and was a glistening stream down his cheek when she closed the blinds to help from running back out there to ask for forgiveness.
He was gone.
She was done.
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