stuck inside stupidity

I go to a trade school for people who are underfinanced, I used to have a knack for making a decent penny, but life got to me, I feel like this school is the sewage drain for people who don’t really fit in with society. I would like to give you some examples of the things I go through on a day to day basis since I have been here, I will start from the most basic and move on from there
I consider myself a highly intelligent person I was building radios before I was 10 and hacking computers when I was 9 taught myself to read before 4, this was before hooked on phonic really even existed. I have 4 trade certificates vet assisting architectural engineering and mechanical engineering, and hopefully by the end of next month welding, I also have 2 years of college in English and psychology, and plan on collecting many many more before I kick the bucket
It was not until I went here, that being mart was actually a bad thing, People ask me questions and when I answer it they call me stupid complaining I always have a answer. I can’t help it I like to read.
So I woke up one morning minding my own business walked down for breakfast, because it’s a dorm school. I get eggs and bacon with a cheese muffin, and sit down minding my own business, when I over hear this one girl who for reasons beyond my comprehension already hates me, telling the new students this place is like a prison and that you sell your soul to go to this school, Because I hate when other people mislead people I say, no it’s not at all like a prison they feed us very well, even if it does seem like they feed us straight laxatives. Also the only forms we had to fill out were to explain that we wouldn’t sew them as long as they pay for all our required expenses while we go here, which is a pretty freaking good deal, I can get cancer and they will pay for chemo. She doesn’t break a stride she say’s I need to shut up calls me stupid, and then say’s I’m so ugly I look like her mother’s ass right when she shaves it, so I ask her why are you watching your mother shave her ass…that’s weird So thus starts the pissing contest she says I’m a ass and a retard I get so bothered I no longer want to eat, so I get up go in the hall, mind you class has not started yet. I sit down and over comes a group of my friends. We are all talking minding our own business and she comes up to me pushes me and then looks to my friends and says why do you hang out with this piece of shit, I say hey woa maybe they hang out with me because I’m a half way decent person and don’t mislead them on lies about signing away their soul. She looks at me screaming she says I’m so stupid I will die alone and with nobody to care about me say’s I’m hideous yet again(I’m holding back laughter)This girl not even 2 months ago started dating a staff member at the time she was 16 she turned 17 this month but during the time she dated him she went around school trying to how pdf with a staff member every chance she got, even had him buy cigarette’s for her friends because to the messed up people in this school cigarette spells love so a week or two goes by he gets fired then they are telling her your going to jail and her story changes to, I just wanted to be successful I wanted to have the American dream wife and kids saying she’s practically a immigrant to America her family has only been in the country for 4 generations as a African American she tries to pull the immigrant card WTF! Her bf becomes a convicted sex offender mind you he should of, but nothing happens to her and she still milks him for money, now she’s with a guy who is cheating on her and he’s making her get him cigarette’s rom her ex now sex offender, so back to the original story, she’s calling me ugly saying how I’ll never amount to anything, and I lose it I call her a bitch and she’s like yes I am a bitch I’m supposed to get fucked in the ass unlike you and your room mate last night!(I’m like did she just admit to taking it up the butt?) So the gloves come off I call her a whore once and she’s like um excuse me but how can I be a whore if I only had sex with 2 people, I said it’s not the quantity it’s the quality, I did not elaborate, so she starts crying runs off tells other people I called her a whore and a bitch they get mad come to me and I explain the whole scenario they have a big laugh and walk away from her she starts crying again comes to me and tells me to say it again, not only does she tell me to say it again but she dares me, not only that but she says I bet your such a little bitch you won’t call me a whore again, so my gentlemen like attributes get thrown out the window at 745 in the morning I haven’t even had a cup of coffee yet so yes I call her a whore I was sick of her negativity. She runs off but she keeps sitting at the same lunch table every morning and everyone still makes a wide arc around her, I have since tried to apologize that was until she wrote a report, saying instead of the verbal argument we had that I came straight down the stairs into the lunch room and beat her all over the lunch table, which would of passed if it wasn’t for the fact I have never hit a women in my life not even my own mother who has stabbed me on multiple occasions and the fact I had over 12 witnesses saying nothing of the sort happened. SO this is day one this week, this fucking week, next I am walking down the hall I think it was to a meeting and I over hear, you fucking nigga no Abe Lincoln was a nigga, now not only do I hate the n word but I’m put to shame having to quote it being used in reference to Abe Lincoln. So I actually do a double take as I overhear this screaming conversation, pretty much one side believes Abe Lincolns mother was a slut and slept with a family slave which would of made a interesting story if it wasn’t for the fact he grew up in a one bedroom log cabin and his family was too poor to afford any slaves, they also argue the fact he’s on the copper penny that it makes him black?
On top of all this ludicrous they say because of his hair it’s black hair as in black people hair, the other side pretty much stands with everyone else but what makes this such a terrible moment is the side who believes that Abe Lincoln is a white guy and possibly one of the greatest presidents to of ever lived, for those of you overseas he freed the slaves in America. So the side believing Abe is white starts to begin to believe in the side who thinks he’s black because he believes in his own idea so much but according to the black side the other guy was not being turned fast enough so he slaps the other guy calling him a idiot and a fist fight breaks out over whether or not Abe Lincoln is a white or half black guy. I feel myself having a stroke from experiencing such stupidity, I can’t make this up. Even if there was a argument why resort to violence over it.
SO we have to have lunch lines at all meals, because 18 and up people at this school have trouble being civilized and cant just get their food and sit the fuck down they have to be instructed on how to wait various students get in fist fights over a fucking lunch line position, no matter where you are in line at most it’s a 10 minute difference, to top it off they have a system were if your given a card for good behavior you don’t have to wait in line, so some of the girls have been known to put out to get in line quicker, so certain more desperate security staff give certain female students get out of line free cards to get free blow jobs. FACE PALM!
Yes ladies and gentlemen it get’s worse. We recently had student elections I did not vote for our current student president because he is a bully and a bumbling idiot. He believes that mars the planet does not exist not because it’s a physics issue or against his religion but because he thinks the illuminati just made up a planet recently to get more money from tax payers. He thinks mars is a new thing because nobody told him about it as a kid, he also believes the sun does not warm the earth, he things the sun is like some kind of magical light angel given to us by god and that its not really bright the earth is just magical and shines like a stuffed glow worm, so does the moon. He believes in this so much during his presidential speech he tells people not to believe in everything they read, tells people to their face they are stupid for believing in intelligent life other than our own not to be fooled by the illuminati, and then says he will free students from the constant oppression of racism, let me tell you something, I come from a multiracial family I am not multi racial myself but I have never ever seen the world as white and black people are people love is love hate is hate. This guy mentions he wants to get into this student magazine and I explain to him I only know one person who got in I explain he was born in a leper colony(he really was) was later adopted graduated Val Victorian from high school then came here and got a management job after leaving, he gets very insulted and say’s woa why are you racist against leper’s why does he have to be a Indian leper(never said he was Indian)He thought leper was a racist term, people leper is in fact a medical condition that this kids birth parents suffered from but he was fortunate enough to be born with a immunity and was able to get adopted so our now class president calls me racist and it was him who assumed that because he was in a leper colony that he was Indian he also called me racist when I informed him that you can’t have a opinion as to whether or not mars is a real planet or if the un is hot or not it’s scientifically proven that it’s real and the sun is definitely hot……this is why other countries hate Americans and why I don’t blame them.
This is all true none of this is made up I wish it was but no people really are this stupid in this school and I am trapped here for another month. HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME!!!!!!!
Ps one last thing when I entered the school we were not told who just informed in job corp 1/4 students had a std the infected students were informed but not the others so to be afe I just keep my dick in my pants but roughly 98% of the students have openly admitted to having mutliple sexual partners since they have been here, so statisticly speaking only 15 students me included at job corp are not at risk of dieing from a std.........I really hate this school
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