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Sunday Musings, featuring Brenda Keough's poem titled "Battered, Bruised and Broken" , appreciated by Williamsji Maveli

Sunday Musings, featuring  Brenda Keough's  poem titled "Battered, Bruised and Broken" , appreciated by Williamsji Maveli


  • Sunday Musings, featuring   Brenda Keough's
  • poem  titled  " Battered, Bruised and Broken", appreciated  by
  • Williamsji Maveli


  • For Sunday Musings,
  • 03 rd May,  2015  featuring  Brenda Keough's  poem
  • titled " Battered, Bruised and Broken   "


SYNOPSIS: This is my weekend writing column for a review of a poem from a selected author. This Column is being titled as "Sunday Musings" with a view to feature an in-depth analysis of any one of the poems from the previous week's postings, selected by me at random to avoid the elaborate review or comment postings by me in the usual comments column. Poetess  Brenda Keough's   almost all poems are great success, and have won much appreciations and comments from COSMO viewers.  Hence it was very difficult to choose the best one for my review. However, I shall plan this column in such a way to accommodate almost all style of poems by all poets and poetess of  COSMOFUNNEL, which I hope will give more room for encouragement and inspirations to write. The poems selected are purely from my own liking and discretion and has nothing to do with the ratings, voting and favorite aspects. Hope, readers will understand my view point and enjoy my writing. My views and interpretations in this column are purely my own observations, and it has nothing to do with the personal life of the author of the poem. I am eager to read your feed-backs.  The poem which  I have taken-up for this Sunday Musings is  Brenda Keough's    poem titled " Battered, Bruised and Broken  


  • By
  • Brenda Keough


Your gaze wanders to the mirror
And as you put powder on with grace
Deep fear lays etched your eyes
As you hide the bruises on your face

( This is a syndrome involving a physical and psychological condition of a person, both mind-wise  as well as body-wise. This is now a universal theme of battering and abuse on women community)

Your gaze stares back to haunt again
With a truth, you see and cannot disguise
How much more make-up will it take
To cover up these many lies?

(Feelings of depression and passivity may also be created by lack of social support outside of the abusive situation)

You stumble to your closet
To find your clothing and piece by piece
You put them on with trembling hands
Wondering when your own pounding heart will cease

(The condition is the basis for the battered spouse defense that has been used in cases of physically and psychologically)

You wrap up your broken, battered ribs 
And wince from pain as you draw breath
You wear your biggest, brightest smile
And smiling, walk back into the arms of death

(There are many cases happening that those who are the victims of physical abuse or psychological abuse spouses who have killed their abusers)

Upon her tombstone, it was written
Please pay heed to what you look upon
For I am free at last, but among my regrets
Is that I'll never see the beauty of your lives as you go on…

Copyright © Brenda Keough

We're all on this beautiful planet to help and protect each other...don't let this become your fate.....




Abuse against women is often subtle and is perpetrated in many different ways. A man who batters and  abuses a woman does it to gain and maintain control over her.  Physical violence is not the only form of domestic abuse that   battered women experience              

Dominance is one way of abuse— Abusive men need to feel in charge of the relationship. They will make decisions for you and the family, tell you what to do, and expect you to obey without question. Your abuser may treat you like a servant, child or even as his possession.

 An abuser will do everything he can to make you feel bad about yourself, or defective in some way. After all, if you believe you're worthless and that no one else will want you, you're less likely to leave. Insults, name-calling, shaming, and public put-downs are all weapons of abuse against you as a woman and designed to erode your self-esteem and make you feel powerless. In order to increase your dependence on him, an abusive man will cut you off from the outside world. He may keep you from seeing family or friends, or even prevent you from going to work or school. You may have to ask permission to do anything, go anywhere, or see anyone. He may further isolate you by showing contempt for those you love and care about.

Dear honorable Poetess Brenda Keough, please accept my congratulations for sharing such an awareness poem on women abuse, hope you will pour many more poems in our COSMO poetry pages, Regards & Love


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Brenda Keough


I'm honored to be on your column.  You've given it the justice it needs and I truly appreciate.  The more people we can reach on this subject, the more we can break the pattern of abuse down the line.  As we go into the future, we carry less baggage and we are finding ways to heal ourselves, as well as others.

You gave this a beautiful write up....I am blessed that we share the same writing soul...

God bless...keep on writing..



Honorable Poetess Brenda,

Thanks for your appreciation and love, more than writing poems, I wish to write appreciation reviews, May I take your kind permission to write on your other poems as well in my POET'S PEN column which appears frequently and immediately after authors postings, ( only selected one's ), hope you will allow me to carry out reviews on your blessed poems,

Regards & Love




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