Story -

Telegram From Heaven

Today I was messenger of God.  I had not planned to talk with a woman about God.  I had planned to do some shopping in Costco.    The woman I was sent to was a Sampler server.    How did I come to the conclusion that God had set up this meeting between the woman and my self?     One the woman during our conversation told me that she had read  a book entitled," When God Winks At You."   She had read in this book that when people are talking to a person about God,it is no  coincidence .
 She also stated that she and her family had turn away from God , do to oppression that they felt was coming from a priest in their church focused against a  cert group of people.
She had also stated that she has witness some hypocritical behavior by a priest  she use to assist in a hospital she worked at.The Priest  hated children .
       She had told me since her family has turned their face away from God, they have been feeling an empty hole in their heart.
       She had told me that she shared with her husband that she is get these urges to attend some kind of church. He told her if she goes he will go with her. 
      So thus far in the conversation she stated that she  and her family be disinterested in religion due to the conduct of a priest  in the church she and her family attended and the conduct of priest in a hospital she worked at.
She had also state the murders that were being carried out in God's name by Isis and other past religious groups. 
   The Sample lady told me her new religion  is survival ism . Her ability to dodge all the crazy events that are taking place around the world, so she wont end up the next victim in next group massacre  .
  Well I advised her not to judge the person of God by the sinful action of those who claim to follow God.   For God is holy and prefect Love, where mankind are sinful beings prone to abuse authority for their own benefit. 
if one's  eye are focused on the  steward instead of the owner of the vineyard  then they will always be found disjointed. 
           I has suggested that is she really wanted to find God,that she should get her self a bible and read through the new testament and pray to God to reveal himself to her.
      I told she she should read the old testament after she finishes the new.
 The reason for instructing a seeker to read the new testament first is because the new testament reveal why a person is separated from God, how does a person start a relation ship with God, How man kind was purchased from the hall of sin and slavery,
 By God's only Son Jesus who knew no sin ,pay the cost for our sin, that through the death of the righteous for the unrighteous, God had raise Jesus from the grave to show mankind and the Devil that The the sacrifice for sin was paid in full.      All mankind that place their faith in what Christ had done on their behalf will be cleaned from all unrighteousness in God's eye sight and inherit eternal life with God.  
  The New Testament also instruct us in how to conduct our selves in a way that will please God , and how to live a more abundant life.  
            She had asked me, could have Jesus been just a good man and a moral teacher who was ahead of his time and not the Son of God?
    I told her that if Jesus was just a good moral teacher who was ahead of his own time, He would not have demonstrated the supernatural power over nature that only God could possess.        Such as: walking on water to ,calming a storm with the command of his voice, turning a withered limb into a healthy one,giving sight to the blind,changing water into wine,multiplying five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food the feed a crowd of five thousand people and still have seven baskets of left overs, raise five people from the dead,make decaying bodies from Leprosy  whole again.,authority to cast out demons from possessed people  .
  she asked me do I believe ever word that is written in the Bible?    I told her that I do.
She had asked how could I ?     It has been rewritten by million of people down through the history of time.    I told her that if God  worked all the supernatural Miracle  that are recorded in the Bible, then He can guard His Holy Word from being miss translated as it traveled down the corridor of time. 
  I told her the Bible's content is the most accurate and most trustworthy book in the history of man kind.      But those who teach the Bible are not always trust worthy.
This is why every person should study it for them selves.
    I told this woman,God dose not hide himself in mystery, He is ready to reveal Him self to any one who want to know him.  The reason people know little about God is because they have shut their eye and plugged their ear when God tries to show him self  or  communicate with them.
    People ignore God because they love their sin more then they want to find God. 
I told her that we have all been fed the lie  by the Devil through the media that God is a tyrant who wants to take away all our fun.     Who wants to go to Heaven when the party is going to be going on in Hell?
  The rebuttal to this lie is, God encourages us to turn from sin because sin when fully blossoms, the result is death.
So my definition of sin is: An action that is harmful to one self and harmful to other people around you.
Good example is a coworker of my was in an car accident over the weekend because a girl was not loving her neighbor as her self ( which is part of the first commandment of the ten commandment) She decided to put her socializing with a friend above the safety of her fellow man who is sharing the road with her.   She caused a near head on 
car collision because she was sending a text massage while she was driving.
  When she crashed into my coworker car,her vehicle flipped over  their car as they were ran off the road into a ditch.    By the grace of God no one was serious injured.   when the girl crawled out of her car to see if my coworker and his wife were okay, she told them the accident was her fault, she was texting a friend while driving.
The second rebuttal is that there will be no party,no socializing,no presence of God,No rest,no peace,no light.   Hell in the bible is described as lake of fire that will not be extinguished,were the worm will not stop turning,a dark and lonely place of destitution and hopelessness,
 I  had wrapped up our conversation by encouraging her to get a Bible and start prayerfully reading it, and told her if she seeks God face,he will reveal Himself to her.
She thank me and told me that I had answered a lot of her question that she had been pondering on for the last couple of weeks.     She told me she was looking forward to have a further conversations.         She had reiterated that our meeting was not by chance ,she believes that I was a messenger of God to her.

PS. I believe the Devil was trying to run interference during our conversation because during our talk a woman walk up to the sample lady and whispered something in her ear. when the lady left us, I asked what was that all about. the sample lady told me the woman who whispered in her ear asked if I was being  a problem for her and should she go get help.
The sample lady told me not to pay that woman any mind and to let it go.

Written By Stephen J. Vattimo 
July 26, 2015

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Hello Stephen...

Great write...

Thank You For Sharing...

I have noticed the set-up too...

Meeting people especially when the conversation does turn to God...

It is Amazing...



Stephen Vattimo

God messengers some time are the people you least expect God to use.  


Hello Stephen...

Isn't that the truth...






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