The king , the mouse .. and the very untidy house

Standing alone
At a regal address
Was the house of a king
In a terrible mess
The king was so busy
Too much for two hands
Since the queen got fed up
Of his royal demands
He woke late each morning
Left the house in a state
The kings table was messy
Full of dirty old plates
A hall full of mail
Blocking up the front door
And the bathroom was damp
With wet towels on the floor
This went on for a while
Too long some might say
Until everything changed
For the better one day
From work he returned
To an awesome surprise
His house had been cleaned
He couldn’t believe his own eyes
The king was so baffled
As to who’d be so kind
To clean up his mess
With no trace left behind
The plates were all washed
The bed was made fresh
And his letters were stacked
Into piles on his desk
The towels on the floor
Folded neatly in place
It brought a tear to the cheek
Of the smiling kings face
This daily routine
Happened week after week
Until the king found a mouse
On his bed fast sleep
‘A mouse ‘ yells the king
To his shock and his horror
I can’t have you here
Not today or tomorrow
I am a king
I don’t mingle with mice
I’m telling you once
And I won’t tell you twice
The king grabbed a broom
And swept mouse out the door
His poor feet moved so fast
Barely touching the floor
The door slammed with a thud
Hitting him on the head
Mouse was out in the cold
The king left him for dead
The days went on by
The kings mail piled up high
He never hung out his towels
On the line to get dry
Dinner plates in the kitchen
left out just like before
And not once did he sweep
The broom over the floor
The king was confused
As to where he’d gone wrong
His house had been tidied
For him for so long
There was one explanation
As the king had no spouse
The mysterious cleaner
Must of been the wee mouse
‘ The mouse ‘ yelled the king
To his shock and his horror
I must have it here
If not today then tomorrow
I am the king
I want that wee mouse
To come back to me
And clean up my house
The king set about
Searching high and then low
He was so disappointed
That he’d made the mouse go
He looked in the garden
In the old potting shed
Unturned all of the rocks
Checked all flower beds
As time rolled on by
Hope was now bleak
Until out from a hole in the wall
Came a squeak !
Awe that was so nice to read, You have a real skill for this :)
Thank you Mitsali