The Light of Night

I ventured out into a night that had the darkness that sent a shiver through me. The moon, although, gave a light that strained to break through the frightful clouds that bore the remnants of Atlantis. A most faint light that only placed a semblance of hope. But, still I ventured. When a horrid cry from a seemingly tormented being void of human understanding reached my astute ears, I surmised that I was called upon.Β
"Here! Here!!" the voice cried.
I looked, but the darkness was thick.
I stood still and waited to hear the sorrowful voice again. Only to hear the nocturnal shenanigans of various animals. Owls sent secret messages, ravens shared ways with crows to deceive, and even the fireflies dared to act as butterflies. But, I wasn't fooled. I knew why I was brought to this moment. This place. This time. This...dark realm that was fraught with danger. Yet, I continued on. Stopping every ten steps to hear that grievous cry. As I walked I wondered, 'How can I know where I'm going? It's so dark, I can't see my feet, much less my hands!'
But, I stayed on the road, which was frustratingly void of traffic. And I hated traffic. But, at this woeful instance, I couldn't help but mutter, "Where is everybody?"
I was beginning to fear. Fearing that I would never make my way back home.
"Why did I go out? Why on this night?"
I realized that when I began talking to myself, I knew I was in trouble.
Then I heard it. I heard that voice!
"Here! Over here!!"
My God, I've been walking for a good half hour since I heard the voice. What was going on?
The moonlight was just beginning to shine, breaking through the dark clouds.
I looked around, almost tripping in the process.
Then....I saw movement.
Branches were shaking, twigs breaking.Β
The moonlight was now through.
I ran to the source of the cries, practically crying with excitement.
I groped through the brush and felt a hand.
I took the hand and pulled. But, I couldn't pull him out. "Hurry!!" he cried.
I pulled and pulled, but without success.
"I can't get you out!" I finally yelled.
After a brief solemn silence, came a reply.
"Then go back."
"What?" I asked.
"Why? I'm trying to help you!"
"No need." he said. "I've helped you."
Suddenly, I was alone. He was gone.
I stood there and looked to the sky.
Then I knew. I was helped. I could venture into darkness. I could see in the black of night.
I was...without fear. At last.