The Metal File Cabinet

You are silly, it will always be there, it will not burn, crash, get stolen or even reveal what gave you joy and happiness. The mental file cabinet has its own keys and will bring out documents at the worst time to remind you that life has crushed you and the images and stories are real, so intensely real it leaves you crying in the fetal position, it stays in your mind, the new, shiny, four drawer document holder of all that broke you down. Such a mean piece of sharply cornered metal hiding so much, try to forget and it pulls out the history and shows you all the gory details of why you failed, what left you devastated, the evil that occurred from this day to that. A permanent fixture on every day, today, tomorrow, next week, next month, it will bring back the same pain and shove it in your face. "remember this"? You did it, you experienced it, it will never go away. Documented until death removes it out of your head, your heart, the filing cabinet lifts out of you and you drifts into the sky with a new freedom. No more metal, just air, sky and the angels above waiting to hold you and say forget all your pain you are finally free! Exhale…
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