My mind held me together
It was a place that kept me safe
Safe from a world that became intolerable
Abuse and neglect were my daily portion
But in my mind, I could imagine a beautiful world- where I was loved and kept safe
I lived and breathed in this world created by my mind
I began to live in my thoughts, but faded slowly from life around me
I tuned out the world and vanished far away from pain, but what I didn't realize was that I had disappeared from living and experiencing life around me
I no longer knew how to deal with people or reality
My mind became my down fall
What once kept me safe and held together, became a prison of my own making
How do I get out of my head?
It's all I know
I listen to my thinking within four walls
I was told once- Your mind has done it's job
It has helped you to endure a lot
But it's time to give it a rest!
How do I give it a rest when I can't turn it off?
*The mind truly is a beautiful thing~ but it was never meant to live in
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