The Silence Says It All

The world keeps spinning around it's axis. We as a whole united as one force of nature make the world go around and can't be reckoned with. The brainwashed brainwashing another by actively acknowledging what was taught by the brainwashed. Nevermind that nonsense, some are just destined for much more. Some of us are philosephers, the rest get married and raise children.
I understand the science of scripture; it's full of symbolic algorisms and old wise tales. We do learn from history and if we did learn from it all we wouldn't still be bringing pain and suffering to others. Some don't seem to get it and it drives me insane.
We only fight if we have nothing to live for then we fight to live in heart of passion. Each to there own way of doing things, I fight for love. I'm looking out for number one but I still care and will listen more to people, if I must I may depending on if the person listens to me but I do understand that sometimes people just need someone to listen without saying a word.
I'm looking from the inside out into a world I see as an awesome world when we know who our friends are. We're not going to try and enforce anything that is beyond our control but we can only help those who want to help themselves.
Whether you believe in a God or not; do drugs or not, whether you're gay, bi, lesbian or trans it doesn't matter to me... If you treat me respectfully you will earn my respect in return. No one is perfect... We all have flaws. Artistic minds make flaws seem flawlessly untainted; it's all about how you take it.
We're so offensive against the things that affect us interpersonally when the truth is it doesn't matter. All that matters is if the words we speak come from a good place. Otherwise no one cares enough to listen to a fist full of jiberish.
The pain I feel no longer makes me miserable; no longer do I suffer. This heartfelt pain makes me human enough to realize that love isn't suffering; love is everything that exists and without it we're nothing.
There is a time and a place for everything... a time when every man has to let go and carry on with the peace and freedom we were born with. There is a time in everyone's life when we're left with no other choice but to let go of that thought that everyone is out to hurt us because we've been hurt by someone else. Everyone is going to hurt us, we have to find the one sole-purpose worth the fighting for.
I don't perceive love as pain; I perceive love as having our lives together as one united force that can't be reckoned with. There is a time in everyone's life when we learn where we go wrong in life and we make it right with the world we live in. The truth will set me free and I'm not going to live a lie.
Don't throw the pieces on the floor; once our lives are together we can be individuals and live as one with the natural flow of life. We keep fighting the good fight until we can possibly live our lives in freedom again. When I am ready to live my life to the fullest without the fear of love, I will. Love will always come back around again and it's better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all.
The silence says it all; action speaks louder than words, listen for the gut feeling, the gut never lies. The mind can't be fooled when the heart is in the right place. The heart of mankind is mostly full of good intentions but sometimes things don't work out as planned. Therefore we start to question our intentions.
It's always okay to fail, if we learn what isn't working out for the best. If it doesn't work out for the best it was never meant to be in the first place. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different result. Live and learn as we go with the natural flow of life. Let nature take its course.
The source of all wisdom is experience; wisdom is lost in the trees somewhere. No matter what heights life will take you; it'll always take you back home to mother Earth in the end.
I'll just go with the natural flow of life. There is a plan for everyone in this world solely based off where we come from. It doesn't matter where we come from; it matters who we become, where we're going, and where we end up.
When life doesn't go as planned I'm not going to wallow in the mistakes that were made. I'm going to let go of the grief. Live, learn, and carry on. Don't fall in love; just simply love yourself. Don't expect everyone to forgive you; just simply forgive yourself. We've all been a bit insane at times in our lives until we get it right. That's my philosephy and I'm sticking to it. I sure as hell hope we get it right this time. There is usually only one little simple thing missing.
Who cares if people try to figure you out... Let them go insane trying because you can only figure yourself out. No one can do it for you and it's all up to you. No right or wrong way of living your life. If you think about negative things to much, it will vicious cycle around like a virus. It's okay to be negative sometimes but it's all about how you use it and turn it into positive energy.
We all reflect off of each other through vibrations and frequencies. Instead of yelling when you don't get your way, you can always try calm assertiveness to get your point across, you'll find that people listen more that way. Therefore just go with the natural flow of life and say what you mean and say it like you mean it.
Keep an open mind toward different cultures and beliefs. Don't let fear close your minds and make you bitter. Love and love again until you get it right.
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