Story -

The Store Owner

The Store Owner

Instructions/ playlist you’ll need:
[]- cue this music
{}- narration
Playlist you need for the part
The Weeknd- Die For You
Michael Jackson- Butterflies
Tamia- So Into You
Alicia Keys- Fire We Make
Daniel Caesar-  Best Part
Chris Brown- Under The Influence
The Weeknd- XO/ the host 
Tory Lanez- Hurt From Mercury
The Weeknd- Gasoline
Chris Brown - Say Goodbye
Juice Wrld - Burn 
The Weeknd - Belong To The World
The Weeknd - Phantom Regret
Extra Instructions: 
If you read the whole passage before the song finishes, sit back and enjoy the song. If you’re still reading even when the song goes off, you can replay it or just continue reading. When you come to a song in the story that’s when you cue the music. 
The Store Owner. 
{How can you fall in love with wanting to know what’s inside someone’s mind? Let me show you.}
As the day’s external sun beams on me as if I have the spotlight, I can hear the birds whistling in my ear. The breeze blew through my jacket. I walked downtown and could put a smile on everyone’s face. Even when I had a stale face. As if I didn’t care. I had always walked like that cause I felt there was nothing to smile about. Nothing was exciting and everything seemed fake. Even as I moved through the crowds of people not knowing if they were even laughing with me or at me. I just took it as if I needed to ignore them. I drown them out with music. I don’t hear a sound. Only the ones in my head. I can’t make sense of why I always felt I needed to drown them out with music. Nor even why I think I had to match my earbuds to something else I was wearing. What’s a job for a guy who doesn’t care about anything or finds anything fun except the things he does by himself and loves to be color oriented with his clothes? A stylist. I guess the only thing I ever put forth the care for was streetwear. From the shoes to the hats. From wearing flannels and boots one day, to wearing kimonos and sneakers the next. So here I am, downtown with the only thing on my mind that I can actually enjoy

lurking around to mix new styles. And what do ya know a new black owned clothing store opens up in the middle of town. 
{Have you ever had a transitional period? Spiritually like get out and the spoon hits the glass and now all of a sudden you’re in a sunken place?}
[The Weeknd - Die For You]
That’s how I was when I first saw her. I only see her in her cosmic energy. I don’t know why I had this little rush in my head for this woman. It was electric to the touch. Even though I only shook her hand. “Hi, how are you?” “Love. I mean, Hi I am, love. I mean shit, get out of your head. Hey, I’m okay, just thought I’d look around and find something I like.” At this point I’m trying desperately hard to even function let alone not tell this person I’d die for you. “Good well I  hope you find something you like soon” as if she’s not flirting with me. Just to add insult to injury she even looked me in my eyes. I tried to snap into reality but something pulled me in. Even when I left it’s like the gravitational pull called me back. And each time I came back it was butterflies. 
[Michael Jackson- Butterflies ]
It became my favorite store all because of one person. I kept seeking her, looking for her, and on days she wasn’t there I got sad. I made sure I got to talk to her each time. This Pocahontas built, squeezable framed, cocoa butter stick skinned, psychotic plushie was my favorite to be around. She was soft, kind hearted, but strong willed. Shorty was from the jungle and I was enjoying the fruits. I wanted to swing from every branch of this person’s mind. I wanted to meditate in every waterfall. Fortunately I got the chance to. She always made time for me. Some days even a little more than usual. Today was one of those days. I was unsure but ready. Trembling but steady. Ready to accept everything but never settling. Then one night I touched the bottom of the ocean. In the middle of the pouring rain I touched her heart. By holding it close to mine, the one lady in my life
[Tamia - So Into You]
{This seems touching I know but it gets better. How did your first time go? A little ahead of myself? Okay let’s stay here to watch how someone whose two faced(gemini)come in contact with a scale(libra).}
Every day felt like a minute. It just flew by. I came to see her everyday and each day she became more and more spontaneous. See we’re both virgins but whatever we wanted to do we did. We just enjoyed our company and time together. The days became easier, the sun was something worth smiling about. I actually had a reason to do something. Beauty was in the eye of the beholder. I gotta tell you I never held something this precious before. And her attraction to me made it even more precious. She loved how I smelt and my eyes. I don't  have much hair but she loved it. She would even finesse me out of clothing I’d wear just cause it smells like me. We never got a chance to start something. I had my mind set on a different waterfall. 
{Some flames have already been ignited. That’s because virginity is a one spark one flame thing. Choosing the first to spark it is as special as the first person you picked to be in love with for the first time. Luckily for me He was her first love and first spark.}

[Alicia Keys - Fire We Make]
We didn’t knock on that door anymore, we kicked it in that night. There it is again the tap of the glass only this time we were both sunken. 
{I thought I can explain sex, romantically written. I was wrong. Enjoy the rest of the show.}
It was the first time I thought our souls were dancing. The constant pressure she felt in taking it was met with The resistance of giving it. Her skin caressed, her heart held to mine. Our hearts beat in sync. I made her feel secure. She made me feel like I was worth it. I’ve felt love before but this was different. It was like a drug in my veins and at the height of mere dying from it we stayed there. Never to come down. The abnormal breathing, going at any temperature of our bodies, the picked up pace in our pulses, to eventually lose consciousness. The room spun, like chemicals and created this fire triangle. The air from our lungs. Heat from our bodies. And the fuel from our minds. We sparked, in an exhaust pipe from a space shuttle kind of way. 
{good loving won’t keep a woman from staying. Even though it’s good, pleasure always comes after business. So when he woke up he realized two things. That he had to  see her again. But first he had to get the day started.} 
[Daniel Caesar - Best Part]
I don’t know how you feel different after having sex for the first time, but I am definitely moved. That long stretch you take after being curled in a ball sleep with your favorite person is therapeutic. Sometimes though, gravity can be a worthy opponent. The room still spins and if you don’t snap out of it you just may fall. So one step at a time I put on my clothes. I noticed she had left but I figured she was around. I mean she wouldn’t leave her possible one night stand in her house alone. It was no time to collect my thoughts until she appeared from my peripheral vision with coffee, breakfast and a blunt. You know how someone is doing something sexy but they don’t know they’re doing something sexy? That’s what this was. I saw her eyes shine from the sunlight, and I’ve never seen anything this sun kissed before. Somehow even with just her wearing nothing but a robe the only words I could form was “you smoke too?” My conscience couldn’t even handle me at that point. My spirit guides nearly quit. They happily came back as her honey coated lips kissed me and said “my lips ain’t black for nothing”. I never felt so comfortable, she was so warm. I was fed, high, and mostly satisfied. That changed too. I didn’t want to leave but I had to work, it seemed as though she did too. Until I went to see her to say goodbye. “Hey I wanted to say thank- '' I paused as I approached the bathroom she was in to only see her naked again. Then we locked eyes as a lion would gazelle. “Come shower with me” Let’s just say we called off of work that day. 
{This woman is a drug. On top of the one he uses faithfully. Weed started to not become strong enough. She was. They had to part though, they both had work. She just wasn’t the one who had chills and even worse withdrawals}
[Chris Brown - Under The Influence]
If death was an embrace, this shivering cold feeling that ran through my body was it. I looked pale. Only thing I could think about was her. Work still had to be done, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt this tired. Then I came up with a joke in my head. That it felt MJ flu game I may have still dominated the game. I was still sick to my stomach and extremely tired. My boss saw it in my body language so she sent me home. I never felt this way before but I was determined to keep working. As if it was a fight and I’m losing terribly. I wanted to go out on my shield. Not realizing I did already. Plus I had to walk to the train. It looked like I was under the influence. I honestly did not know what this woman did to me. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I did to her. What she did to me. We were pros at what we did, the way her body moved with mine. “Snap out of it Jacobe!” I had to repeat this in my head several times before I got taken to jail for indecent exposure from wearing grey sweatpants. I couldn’t help myself. I knew someone who could help me though. This urge surged through my spine. Fueled by my mind, and carried out through my heart. I couldn’t wait to see her again, the many wild thoughts I had. So I hatched a plan if this time apart made me go crazy not having her, then ima make it to where she goes crazy without having me but I’d be right there

..for her. 
The Store Owner. 
{have you ever had someone lit a fire under you? Like you think differently, more clearer. Your sense of idea has increased. All because of someone you want. What if I told you that we have our own lives and that sometimes they have darkness. He walked into hers

I woke up with a trick up my sleeve. Lord knows I had a few of them. He had blessed me with a smile that said it all. Tonight is the night I get her all to myself. No job stressing her out. Nothing. She’s all mine, and I have a full day of planning. The sunshine's as soon as I stepped out the door. As if to say “my guy, it’s your birthday, celebrate”. I waved to people I didn’t know, caught a few smiles, and pet a few dogs. I felt so good I decided to go to her store to surprise her for lunch. {You remember the first time I walked in right? Yeah this wasn’t it. That day was special and I felt it every day I walked in til now. Today the energy was just off, and hit me right in the feelings.} I walked into a sunken state. Without actually being sunken myself. It’s like dying out but never gotten the chance to. So I felt confused and in the midst I saw her. I smiled during a crisis for the first time. And she was the tragedy or at least the cause. It started with her. Suddenly the customers walked through her. Then, somehow walked out of  her. It seems like this ship is sailing but the funny thing about ships is that when they sail there’s no turning back. And I felt like a pirate bracing for impact. I persisted to be a good person let alone a good anything she needed. {funny about the pirate ships is that the fear of the other pirates who want everything you got is gonna impede at some point. Do you stay on that ship or jump overboard before fighting for what you have even if you don’t feel like it’s yours?} I stayed and I fought. Subconsciously it haunted me. 
[ The Weeknd - XO/The Host]
I stood in the worlds of other people trying to change  them for the better since I was in it but no more. I unlocked something inside myself

. Creativity. {to you it doesn't mean much to me it’s everything. The fact that I’m able to come up with different things to express myself or who he is, is lovely.} This is just the first time someone else felt the same. I dragged her into my world. Where cocoa butter kisses, weed and music lived. A positive vibe, energy tangent that barriers what’s inside and protects it. As I felt this disconnect from her I connected her to myself. My inner self. As we sat peacefully in my world the outside one only saw us in the parking lot hotboxing the car. It seems rude to leave work to smoke but it also seems rude to not let anyone enjoy how they feel at ease. This made me at ease, but with her it calmed me. If someone can enjoy my world even this much, why can’t I? More importantly, why didn’t she feel comfortable in hers? It made no sense of how much our minds are filled with traps, locks, maze’s, smoke and mirrors. However since we navigate each other through the traumatic existence of every single corner we started to wonder how we even got this way. Every customer for her was a problem and every sense of boredom for me was me not letting anyone into this club of mine.  So I never enjoyed company till I met her. It used to just be me for a while, doesn’t mean my mind is a revolving door. Some things I still keep closed. It’s who I am even when I don’t fully understand who I am. Or what I am supposed to be. Me wanting to do things is not the same as being who you’re actually supposed to be. She can still walk inside cause I’ll always let her when she needs to release steam.
{so close yet so far. Our lover boy thinks he’s found a sense of love. A wonder. I wonder when he will  realize he’s more disconnected than he thinks?}
[Tory Lanez-Hurt From Mercury]
You know as a tendency I’ve never looked anyone in the eyes. Until I met hers. How she looked at me as if she saw something special inside me. More special than I imagined. Every time we locked eyes it was like we hugged each other’s soul. She starts to become stale. Not too much eye contact. Soon there was none. I started to question the person I laid next to. If I was laying next to her at all. It was like she gradually left my life. I fought tooth and nail and lost both in the process. 
{Our Lover boy has seemed to hit a rough patch. It would be simplistic to say he’s overreacting. In his case ‘ovary acting’ it’s a term used to say you’re being too emotional and that only women would act in a way such as this. But that’s just who he is, it’s part of his characteristic make up. Let’s just hope our lover boy doesn’t lose himself}
[The Weeknd - Gasoline]
As a safety system I sometimes stop feeling for a person once I know they’re disconnected from me. It’s completely subconscious. It’s like when I feel distant from someone I dream that they’re dying. I saw her. When I see her die let alone anyone I feel this anguish. I cry for them, about them. But it’s an illusion, a reflection of how I see myself. I feel that I’m dying or that piece that this person has is. I treat her whole existence as if it’s just me and her. So when I walk in and she doesn’t even notice me, I question my existence to her. We have lives outside of where we work even if we decide to take on more work. I just never understood why she would. Seeing her was the best part of my days. It doesn't even feel the same anymore. As days went by I gradually stopped going all together. 
{Have you ever had some great days? Like the sun shined, weather felt great, skies clear? You walk out to cross the street all of a sudden and then fate runs a red light? Then that little light you see in the distance is just you walking out of a bad dream? Our lover boy does just that except that the darkness seems to be the only way they’ll see each other.}
I walked downtown like I did before. I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The sunshine was perfect, I looked and waved up and down the street. Times like this makes me never want to miss it again. Like I wanna always enjoy it. I ordered a dome downtown in the ‘All Saints Park’. I felt fancy, it was like a lounge in a glass dome next to the sidewalk. As I took a breath of fresh air and gazed at blue skies I got this sense of relaxation. Then it was as if the universe spoke to me and said eyes up. I quickly looked and saw a group of people arguing with the manager of the domes I was renting. For some odd reason they were talking next to mine. I stood up and walked to see what was the problem. “How the hell could there be a glitch in the system? I ordered this online a few days ago. It was reserved for me. '' The manager seemed caring but uninterested. “Sir I’m sorry we’ve been meaning to cancel your reservation being that card declined” I Intervene “what seems to be the problem?” The leader of the group quickly explained. “The gist of it is sir is that we paid for the dome you’re sitting in but when we get her they say they meant to cancel because of a problem with my card” I understood but didn't care too much, I actually loved my dome but a feeling of generosity came over me. The weather is clear, no  wind in sight but something brushed me as to say offer them to share it with you. So I did. “Well I guess if you still want it we can all share it. It's big enough for you and I’m guessing your friends.” “Hell yeah I’m Angelo. This is my wife Anika. And these are our best friends Javier and Jada.” I shook their hands as all of their faces lit up when I made the offer. “Just let me call my bank and see if I can repay you. '' I started to immediately tell him it was fine but his wife got to me before I could. “don’t be modest, we got you, we were looking to have a good time tonight anyway.” I stood down and did what they say “let nature take its course”. I invited them to sit down as we all geared up to be socially involved. That’s when Angelo came in “hey man I don’t think we’ve ever got your name” “yeah I’m sorry I got nervous I don’t think I’ve ever been around this many people in a group except for like a meeting or something but my name is Jacobe.” The look of confusion washed over their faces trying to figure out tha- “wait a minute jacobe luv? as THE  jacobe luv from SMART School?” That was the only time I recognized any of them. It was hard remembering people I haven’t seen in years let alone people from the high school where I was a complete outcast at. Nonetheless it’s great seeing them. “Yes that’s me I knew I saw  you guys (I’m lying) I just had a hard time remembering what you used to like. (A Thug With a Nerd, and Scarface (if he had an urban style) with the somewhat slow girl with the fattest ass in the school)``''yeah I can admit we’ve changed since then” Jada replied. “No kidding so what’s this good time y’all were talking about?” I asked as if I really cared. “Awe man” Angelo quickly answered. “We looked up these domes about a week ago and they seemed fun so we were originally going just to chill and eat” Right right right. The hood came outta me at that point. “But we read the details more and more and heard it was smoke friendly so we just thought aye smoking, eating, and  drinking is right up our alley. A great way to escape” I felt understood on an emotional  level on something we wanted to escape from. But I kept cool trying to not spill myself then I just happened to ask “what kind of smoke?” What was understood didn’t have to be explained; it was one of those “Got blunt? Got weed?” Moments as a smile was painted across my face. If I can describe how high I got I would climb too high to give you a description. The dome was smokey, people passing can swear it was a fire. Or it was on fire. I felt amazing laughing at the stories they told about what was really going on in the school back then. I was only laughing because I was hearing their side when I knew the whole story already. Hours passed as the night fell over the city it was getting late and my legs became just as drowsy as I was. Fading in and out of consciousness I barely held myself up as we finally opened the door. We looked like injured soldiers hanging on to each other laughing. During this hazy time a Lyft lux xl was called for us. At the time I thought it was like a bus ride. I got to my stop and they got to theirs but apparently they dragged me to a hotel with them. Spilling all over the place I kept seeing her in flashes every time I closed my eyes. I couldn’t let it get the best of me but I kept saying her name. “Why  are you here Diamond?” “Who the hell is diamond” that’s when my highness quickly lessened and snapped back to reality. “Uh no one I sometimes think of random people (lying my ass off) like the guy who had no job in Martin '' they all laughed while remembering them while Angelo showed me my room. “Here you go bro enjoy your night we all bout to just pass out. Goodnight” “awe man thank you tell everyone I said goodnight I punked out I haven’t smoke in a while I used to have a smoke buddy.” “Yeah we know '' Angelo said then left. I looked confused as he said that because I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. My conscience slipped away before I could ask. The bed was so comfortable it didn’t take me long to find a spot. Then I slipped away like I sank in the bed to another universe and began to fall. I saw her in flashes again smiling but still coming nowhere near me to even save me. I cried as I held out my hand and watched as she wouldn’t grab it. I fell flat on my face. I could barely move my body, shivering in pain and cold blood. I looked up and saw her. I saw sadness in her face. She sat down and held me in her arms as I looked to that little light in the distance. The last thing I felt before breathing my last breath was her warm embrace. My soul was activated to leave my body. I finally got up and watched as she wept, wrapping my body in a bed sheet. She dragged and placed me on a bed of logs in the woods. Me standing there even as a soul watching her give me a cremation burial was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen. Until she turned to me
.but not her physical being

 her soul. Run up to me as fast as the flash before I could even look shocked she grabbed my soul and ran carrying it  in a world full of infiniteness. Endless creations and rooms she stops at the one where the room is dim and there’s a sky roof with the view of a full big and bright moon. That’s when I saw her. It was Diamond but wasn’t “I can hear what you’re thinking I’m not Diamond” oh shit. “do not be alarmed” her eyes glowed a fiery purple hue in the dark so that was hard to do. I was scared but ready for answers. “The best way to explain what I am is to think of me as a version or variant of hers” soooooo a personality? “essentially yeah but it’s a different type of thing” oh wow as if this can’t get more complicated. “I can still hear you” oh sorry. So wait, why are you talking to me? “I'm getting to that. I'm a part of her physical being. There are many others inside of her for different feelings, emotions and even people. She created me after meeting you.” Meeting me? Why? That’s when the room lit up with candles and her beautiful face showed and we appeared in more “comfortable” clothing. “Because I’m the part of her that loves you.” She dropped her robe. I dropped my jaw. She slowly walked to me as if I was prey. “This place is only safe for you and me” then she gave me a kiss. My body shivered in cold sweats as I woke up. “It was all a dream or was it?”
The Store Owner. 
{Wow even I didn’t see that coming. Who is this Woman? Well we know who she is but why? Why was it happening? More importantly what is our lover boy gonna do? He can’t have the person he wants physically but somehow makes love to her soul. Will he be able to accept?}
Dazed and confused. Two words that somehow seem to always describe me or the days I have. Today was no different. I felt groggy as a sloth. I honestly was just glad I could even move. I forgot how I got here, though I was happy I was. The place was amazing in luxury. I didn't want to leave but I knew this wasn’t mine. As I walked to what seemed like the front room it further cemented that. I slowly strolled into Angelo and Anika messing around. Have you ever tuned something out when it’s out of your sight but once you look at it you hear everything? As if you stepped into reality. “Oh shit my bad '' As if it stopped them. They looked happy that I was there as he completely blew her back out. She was just enjoying the ride. “Oh no you're good, you can watch.” Angelo replied thinking I was gonna stay if it’s not me getting some. “I mean nothing soothes the day other than porn but I rather not.” I hate lying but I had to leave. “It’s cool my guy we got your number, hit you up later” As he proceeded to hulk smash I proceeded to be quicksilver. I headed out the door with a massive headache. But a Lyft ride home should do me justice. I don’t know how you operate with 20% of your energy, but I did. I felt like a marine crawling through the depths of hell. On the way out every demon waved at me to say see you again. Never again, at least not with them. I made it home with this sense of relief and sudden urge of energy. It wasn’t 20% no more it was more 75% I even smiled. I couldn’t understand why until I laid down In the comfort of my own bed. I sank again and there she was. 
[Chris Brown - Say Goodbye]
She kisses me. I became starry eyed. Tears of joy as I met her lips with mine. {as if he had dragged himself to the pit of darkness within his heart Jacobe subconscious soul turned as cold a sub zero temperature in an instant} I Never Want This Moment To End. But Is It Real? I Stopped Her. Is This Real? She Looked As If She’d Seen A Ghost. She Also Stood Firmly On “Yes This Is Real. My Love For You Exceeds Her Physical Form.” Her? You Mean You? “ I See. You’ve Lost Your Belief In Me?” No. In Us. I Don’t Want A Piece Of You When I Gave All Of Me. I Don’t Want You In My Head. I Want You In My House, Loving Me, As I Have You. But You’re Not Here, And I Think It’s Time For Me To Realize That You Never Will. {She couldn’t even move. She trembled in pain. And As A Tear Fell From Her Eye The Lights Went Out. When The Lights Came Back On She Was Gone. The Room Was Different, The Lights Even More. It Was Only One That Shined On Him Like A Spotlight And Even That Light Turned Red.}
I woke up in a cold sweat. It’s still morning but now I feel more energetic. I felt ready to take on the world. And Win!! Free as a bird, not bound to anyone or anything. Nothing but the wind beneath the wings. {Misconception - a view or opinion that is incorrect because of faulty thinking or understanding.} {alarm rings} Shit I gotta get ready for work before I'm late. I raced to quickly shower, get dressed, and get to pushin’. A huge smile ran across my face. An even bigger spirit began to grow. I waved and even conversed with a lot of people. Yet and still I made it to work on time. To find out I’m on vacation. Which is odd, I don’t remember putting the time in. Hmm. Okay cool more free time for me. I wish I would’ve planned better, oh well. Off to the streets I go. I instantly sparked my first idea by deciding to do a fire ceremony. I make a list of things I want to let go. Then throw it into the fire hoping it’ll burn away in the wind. In the midst of thought someone caught my eye. A hooded person who stood as calm as a closed door. He didn’t move a muscle. But he spoke with the mind of shakespeare. I looked and kept going til
. “Hey you?” I stopped and turned to him. Me? “Yeah you wanna know some life advice?” Like I was gonna pass it up. I needed all the information I needed to get through this chaotic world. Yeah sure anything would help. “You’re trying to make art without Eros. You’re driven by himeros that’s fueled by pothos. These beautiful colors can make the art you seek.” Uhhh Thanks? “You’re Welcome Mr. Luv” I turned around to walk away and continue a strange day as it is I noticed he called me by my name. I turned around to ask how’d he even know it and he wasn’t there. I wanted to ask if anyone had seen him but I didn’t want to be embarrassed. So I just walked home. Things were seeming stranger and stranger as I didn’t remember putting in vacation time. I don’t know who that man was and suddenly disappeared after saying my name. What was next? I tried not to dwell on it. For the moment these beautiful flowers stopped the train of thought. The lady who owns the shop was so sweet. Smile could light a candle in the night. I hate to use these beautiful roses for tonight but I hope she knows I’m gonna at least keep one. Freshens the ambiance in the house. “Be Careful They Just Don’t Die.” What? “They Always Come Back Around.” Umm okay. What The Hell Was That About? Hmm. I couldn’t care less. Come to think about it, the sun is setting and they are shining as if the sun beamed on them. Nah. Nah

..Nah. Let’s just get home and start this list. The only thing Angelo and Anika were good for was weed. They had a big enough bag I’m sure they wouldn’t mind considering they wanted me to join them today. Probably shouldn’t have room as much as I did but who cares? I got home safe though, the crows outside weren't exactly scary. It didn’t matter though peace was the primary objective. I rolled up my sleeves, rolled a blunt, and rolled my pen across the piece of paper. I lit the blunt, lit the charcoal. Then there was smoke. From the blunt, from the fire, and to add to my eye opening ceremony I put some weed in the fire so I could inhale the smoke while smoking. Each thing on this list began to burn more and more  to write. I’ve felt this pain before so it wasn’t moving me.  I became engulfed in the smoke so much that I was losing consciousness. The weed was just fuel to the fire and to add to that fire I threw the list in. Then smiled as I threw the roses in to celebrate the death of the old me.  I watched it turn to ashes but bleed?! It bled a purple goo burning into the flames. Before I could question it I slipped away. 
{It Seems As Though Our Loverboy Doesn't Believe In Smoke And Mirrors. He Couldn’t Have Seen The Man He Became. He Was Too Drowned In What He Lost. I Guess The Fire He Made With The Store Owner Diamond Burned Him To The Point He’s Willing To Burn Himself Just To Watch The Destruction Of All Around Him. ‘Tandava Karma’- Ashes Of The Samsara War Dance. Like The God Shiva He Brings Destruction To A World He Once Knew. He Was Engulfed In The Flames Of His Own Hatred For His Heartbreak And Danced As If He Had A Spiritual Awakening. However, It Is Said That Shiva Does This To Rebuild The World From Its Ashes. I Wonder How Our Lover Boy Rebuilds.}
[Juice Wrld - Burn]
I Woke Up In My House. Head Pounding To A Beat Unrecognizable. I Looked In The Mirror And Saw Myself As Buddha. There Was No Time To Question. There Was Only Time To Go To The Store. I Walked Out And Saw This Purple Haze In The Sky. Again Fuck That Sky Go To The Store. Heart Feels Like I’m Dying, Head Feels Like It’s Imitating A Jack Rabbit’s Heart. I Don’t Know What. To. Think. I Feel Drunk As I Walk This Short Distance In The Dark Night. I’m Finally Glad I Got There. A Sense Of Relief. Still Irritated, And Losing Consciousness. Then As If An Aura Caught The Corner Of My Eye. I Had To Look To See That It Was Only A Woman. Her Aura Though Screamed Lioness. I Let Her In Front Of Me Walking Up. Still Losing Consciousness, Out Of My Feet. All I Could Remember Was Seeing Her In Front Of Me, I Didn’t Pay Too Much Attention To Her. I Could Only Stand There Waiting Until I Blinked Drifting Out Of It. I Heard A Gasp, I Opened My Eyes Immediately. Out Of Instinct I Go To Catch The Falling Woman That Was In Front Of Me. She Bleeding Out
..From A Gunshot Wound? I Quickly Try To Lay Her Down And Treat Her But When My Hand Came Up There Was A Gun In It. I Was Tupac For The Rest Of That Moment. All Eyes On Me. It’s Like They Stared Into My Soul With So Much Hatred. Like A Queen Bee Had Died And The Other Bee’s Just Became Enraged. I Couldn’t Imagine Myself Doing Something Like That. I Was Shocked As If Everything Made Sense Until Now. Now Though, I Have To Get Out Of There. So I Walked Quickly Back To The House. On The Way I Just Became More And More Sad At The Mere Laughs And Glaring Stares From Anyone Passing Me. My Body Starting To Push Out The Tears I Refused To Let Fall From My Face. I Almost Thought I Really Did It Because Of My Cold Feelings. I Hurried The Thought Of Reminding MySelf, I Didn’t Do A thing. I Only Wished The People Saw It That Way. No. They Didn’t. But They Understood One Thing, I Murdered Her And She Was Powerful. Again A Sense Of Relief Filled My Body As I Made it Back. Just As I Turn The Key I Noticed A Group Of People I Couldn’t Make Out Their Faces. I Thought They Were Cool Until They Noticed me. “I knew I was gonna see you” Why Did I Stay At The Door? Curiosity, But We All Know It Kills The Cat. Just Like It Was About To Do As He Ran To Me Bout To Shoot Me. I Hurried Into The House Cause I Knew As Soon As He Made It To My Door I’m Shooting Back. There Was A Whole Shoot Out Going On All I Could Hear Was “Hands Up In The Fire {Burn(bang) Burn(bang) Burn(bang Burn(bang}” I Woke Up Gasping For Air. Still Feeling The Bullets That Entered My Body. I Couldn’t Believe My Mind Would Create Something So Dark, But Real. And For The First Time In A While I Actually Felt Those Tears Run Down My Face. I Cried. Broken And Beaten Down. My Heart Showed My Body’s Reflection. And Through All Of The Chaos, Destruction And Hate, My Bleeding Heart Was The Only Time I Truly Felt The State Of Peace. And My Tears Were Closer To Heaven Than I Was When I Smoked. Here I Am In The Middle Of Chaos With A Broken Heart

 Feeling ENRAGED.
The Store Owner.
{Mad? Our lover boy is mad? The cold shouldered, uninterested, small taking, emotionally unavailable, in a zone/ zoning out Jacobe Luv is mad? The shadows now have a face, feelings, and a past. The situation deepens as our lover boy past is starting to reveal its ugly head. As a teen Jacobe looked for love, confused. He was so clueless, he didn’t know that sometimes change is inevitable. One of those changes that we’re speaking on is misconception. What you think is smooth sailing is nothing short of sandpaper, rough waters. From his perspective he had not received the same love he gave. Ever. People weren’t as accepting as he is. Jacobe knew what others didn’t but it was only because he still looked at love as if he was a child. Jacobe knew unconditional love.
 To figure out why jacobe is who he is you have to understand where he came from. Jacobe was only 12. He loves love stories, movies, comics, anything where he loves the spectacular hero with no flaws. They just save the world and whenever they run into an issue, they solve it. Whenever he saw the homeless, the less fortunate, every person with a sob story and a dream. Anyone who showed love to him with Ill intentions, or any women who told him they loved him but really didn’t he still made sure they were happy. He just found fantasy and daydreaming so addicting. So naive, he was so nervous to even speak to women he wanted. The women he does talk to, he just found them to only have certain qualities he likes so he stayed with them. Not because they wanted him and he couldn’t get any girl he wanted, but because he found them interesting. He knew what it felt like not to be accepted, to be different. He was just too preppy in an urban environment. He talked properly, too nice, ultimately he became somewhat of a walk over. Nobody really cared for him, so he tried to just blend in but doing so forgot about his happiness as a child. That feeling of you having to be a certain way, walk a certain way, have a certain way of thinking. It broke him in ways unimaginable as a kid growing up and learning life. He went through the years only thinking no one is going to love you. 
He felt this because every day no one really cared enough to check on him. To listen to him, to make him feel accomplished no matter what he celebrated. He felt his parents always wanted more. At home mostly it just consisted of stuff he had to take responsibility for. More work on chores, new house, new school, and not to mention having to take care of his little brother whenever they were away. He knew the love of his parents but ultimately felt they had to, as if they didn’t love him the way he needed. He just wanted to be cool and accepted but kept getting hate and rejection. He saw to it as he got older no one would tease him on anything. One problem closes so he thought he had to learn the hard way about life. Facing insecure thoughts on the school he went to, he was also under the magnifying glass of neighborhood kids who wanted to know what set he rep? Can he fight? Who does he know? That magnifying glass sat under the beaming sun of family knowledge of the street that he didn’t know. When it shined through, it burnt him to a crisp. Nothing could hurt him though, he thought. That thick skin he had to develop came from the countless times he’d been stepped over and stepped on. He had to be smarter, tougher, adventurous, he knew that he would forget that old part of him. He made sure of that. Then the world tug on his heart when the universe decides to recall his grandfather. He knew lost, but not this close to home. He just kept on walking, kept growing. His hate for the world just grew faster than him. He never enjoyed the outside world. Only the one he had built inside his mind. A world that loved him. Meanwhile he abused most of the outside world. Treating the women who liked him, that he didn’t want, like worldly possessions. Their hearts, like toys. He didn’t care anymore. He grew up a social outcast because he never let anyone in. Not to what he’s thinking, what he does, he barely hung out with anyone outside of school. He felt the world was coming down on him and kept the pressure. He felt alone in his own self isolation. 
So when Diamond came and went it just made him sad. The only time he willingly opened up. He willingly put his heart on the line. He willingly loved. Just couldn’t figure out why it was taken from him. Wasn’t she supposed to love him? Maybe he saw himself as Buddha but couldn’t see her as Loki. The way she shifted away as if to say sike. She took all the love he had then left him with none. The tandava karma was inevitable, it was time, and his rebirth was his to shape. Whatever bridge was burned he just had to wash the ashes away and let it go. Let’s see how he comes back from this one.}
As my eyes cleared of the smoke, dizziness, concussion like headaches, and my own self pity I found myself sitting up in my bed. I thought it was a ghost if I didn’t see Diamond sitting at my desk drinking coffee. The energy towards my rage grew each second I sat there in confusion as to why she was even in my home. “The hell are you doing here?” She popped her head up to see me in exhausted anger. “Oh hey  sleepyhead. Long night?” “Never mind me Diamond what are you doing he-“ I started to get up to confront her but was caught by the ache of my body. She got up quickly to help me. “Hey. Hey. Take it easy.” I nearly fell trying to get away and defend myself. “Again never mind me, what the fuck are you doing here?! You don’t show up, text, call to even check up on me. Don't tell me how you are feeling, nothing. You just left, and when I wanted to be let in before you just completely ghost me you just shoved me out even faster” I could barely catch my footing trying to stand up to her but I couldn't. I just sat in my chair. She just sat on the edge of the bed after my rant, waiting for me to finish. “I’m not here to argue. I’m here to check on you. Last night your neighbors heard loud noises, music blasting, and saw so much smoke. They didn’t think you were in any danger but they wanted to make sure you’re okay. They basically called the police then called me. I just happened to get here before they did thank god.” 
I couldn’t believe my ears, I felt she was lying. Another trick. “Maaaan what are you talking about?” She became aggressive. “You! You are what I’m talking about. Last night you trashed your place. Filled the entire house with smoke high off your own rage and the fire that consumed you. I don’t know what I did to hurt you, but burning me doesn’t change anything.” I tried to speak out of confusion but she cut me off. “Yes I know you were trying to burn me, you didn’t write it down on a piece of paper. You wrote about doing it. From what I heard you came home, smoked, set the mood, then wrote about something.” I tried to speak again out of confusion. “Yes, the cameras you have in here work. You stopped writing to get up and throw them dead roses in the pit in which I don't know why you have one inside the house but okay. After which by now I figured the weed kicked in you started dancing like a mad man. Falling deeper and deeper into this depressed state you didn’t even know you're knocking things over, falling and breaking glass, lamps, furniture and possibly bones. By the time police got here I assured them that everything was okay considering the fact I had to bathe in glade air freshener cause the smoke was soaked into my clothes after only minutes being here. You’re wrapped up and sleeping horribly. You tossed and turned

. and even began crying. I didn’t know what to do but I don’t want to now.” I held my head as I felt every discomfort possible. I ran into my own self disappointment and to top it off. The only girl I’ve ever fully loved who crushed my heart is reading me the riot act. 
I lowered my voice as I moved to sit more comfortably then asked her “why?” She looked at me confused. “Umm why what? I kinda just told you a lot so I need you to be more specif-'' I forgot how much of an ass she is but I cut her off. “Why help me? Why did you leave me like you did? Why did you-“ “cause I care for you Jacobe. you may not think I do but I do. But just because I didn’t make time for you doesn’t mean you get to throw a temper tantrum. I included you in everything, even made time when I didn’t have it. Sorry you couldn’t be the center of attention!” “But did you ever think about how I’d feel?” “do you for me? Look, I love you but there isn’t an us, just me. I have to make sure my business runs, my bills are paid, and my family taken care of. Sure what you did for me helped me cope with so much pressure but it doesn’t matter. You can be done with me if you want but it’s my life and I’m not gonna tend to you whenever you feel like you need attention from me.” “Then I guess we ain’t got nothing to speak about'' I felt it in my soul that this was it. The end. She left without hesitation and my eyes watered. I was in a state of so much shock I couldn’t barely feel the tears leaving my body. It was like I had no emotional connection to them. Yet they rained on my face for 30 minutes straight, clouding my vision as I sat there in pain. 
[The Weeknd - Belong To The World]
{ouch and just like that, the truth comes out. Heavy is the head that wears the crown of grief. At least she won’t be able to fuck him over anymore} Diamond comes back in with a pain killer and a glass of water. I couldn’t react fast enough as she got on top of me and forced me to take the medicine and drink the water. I looked at her in her dark abyss like eyes that only saw to see her cold soulless body. She watched me as the emotionless tears fell from my face. What was understood didn’t need to be explained. {spoke too soon, so to speak} The only happiness we’ll find is by trying to reach each other’s soul. As I played with a shadow in the darkness. She held the fantasy she always wanted. Just not in me unless I was in her. This was one of the times where my body, mind, and heart was on the same page. The emotionless tears that fell from my face and her are gonna be connected. I won’t hold any emotions towards either. Only towards the feeling of what was happening. I was finally getting off this emotional roller coaster. I enjoyed the ride. She belonged to the temporary moments of a dream. The same moments with the speed of sound when I heard her say she loves me. 
{It was as if this meant something more in the death of the relationship then it did in the birth of it. It was better this way. Sex is just the universe’s way of making the stars twinkle. An endless array of stars beamed upon them in celebration. The cosmic energy was enough to hold hands with each other’s inner child as they walked off the path in purgatory together. Everything changes. Every scar heals. Every ounce of pain washes away as if it was painted on a canvas. What exactly is our lover boy letting go? The insecurities of his childhood? No! The death of his grandfather? No! The vanishing of his father? No! See there are only two women in this world Jacobe loved. His mother and his grandmother. Our lover boy sure knows how to pick’em. He loves big beautiful women, because his mother was big. He loves light skin women cause both his mother and grandmother were light skinned. He never got why he was so attracted to the type of women he was attracted to. Even now it could be because he adores them like his own mother. 
Lord knows if they were ever both bbw and light skin, he’d blush and smile as if seeing his mom for the first time. There’s two sides of that however. Jacobe never shared with anyone about what he thought about or what he thought he felt talented in. He can tie this to the apathetic ways and embarrassment from his mom. If Jacobe done something wrong, it was broadcasted to the family. If he’d done something good the hush falls over the crowd. Because there was nothing to hear or see. Even when jacobe won second place in his freshman year wrestling tournament he only saw empty bleachers where his family would’ve sat. They never showed to games or wrestling meets where jacobe played. Ironically they pushed him into sports. Where jacobe found darkness from the shade the light bears, he also found warmth. The refreshing feel of the sun making his skin illuminate. To say “i'm the chooses one”. Yeah that’s how his grandma made him feel. Learning he was a pot of gold jacobe didn’t exactly feel like that and when he did he overindulged in trying to get his mothers love. It’s like dumping the pot on the ground to find platinum. It gives you a false sense of hope. Hoping that you’ll be enough for the person that birthed you. Thing is they always want you to be better than than them, but they forgot about letting go of their childhood trauma. Decisions they made limited them from Pursuing  their dreams. So instead of encouraging their kids they tell them even when they won something, completed something, achieved something other than what they want them to they put fear and doubt in them. Never allowing them to be themselves. To grow into the men and women they want to be. Jacobe grew into a man who challenges old beliefs and outdated phrases. And challenging their beliefs was jacobe’s favorite thing, gave them a different point of view. One of those views was graduation. The happiest jacobe ever been is watching his family watch him walk across that stage as a graduate. He was the first in his family to walk. 
He knew that he would make his family proud. Just felt the pain of hell and hot water to get that level of respect. But jacobe was proud he walked the stage with a gangster lean and held his peace up high to leave. Like a movie though, there’s a climax and a falling resolution. Have you ever driven so fast, high off of life, feeling untouchable? Thinking man it’s just gonna keep getting better then WHAM!!! Like you didn’t see that wall or pole or even a tree? Jacobe didn’t either and just like that, his grandma, the one person jacobe felt that loved him for him, dies from cancer. An unstoppable force as it went to stage 4 when his family caught It. The door to life as he was shoved into the world closed behind him and jacobe couldn’t wake from this bad dream. From there was born a dangerous subconscious, he could only fall deeper into. He didn’t feel alive, nor did he want to be. He grew into a man of cold shoulders. Never letting someone get close to him because he’d feel they would leave him upon knowing the real him or even understanding him. Told himself he didn’t care. That was only because he understood something. He’s free. Free of generational curse and sledge. Free to be whoever he wants to. He will continue to be a gentleman. He will be as rich as his flesh and skin. Heart sewn, mind calmed, and spirit in its place. Jacobe may not see Diamond again

.unless it’s on his wrist. Till then our lover boy walks off into the sunset ready to began his life again. } THE END.
[The Weeknd - Phantom Regret]
The Store Owner Notes:
Jacobe’s woman killing dream- this was one of my actual dreams minus the purple sky. The plain version of this is that I woke up and went to the store drowsy with a headache. When the woman got in line just as I was about to, I let her in front of me. Still drowsy I start to black out for a split second and then she dies falling to the ground and I catch her mid way down. I was so confused but the gun in my hand showed I had done it. She was powerful, it went on the news. People in the street laughed at me. They even said threats and I couldn’t help but to feel terrible because I didn’t mean to and never wanted to. I just felt worse and worse on the way back to the house. But on the way back I saw a group of people I couldn’t make out their faces but they knew mine. One dude of the group just pulled out his gun and came right for me. I ran into the to get cover then shot back then I woke up. In the waking life a girl I was talking to at the job I was working at the time ended up telling everybody we were dating and that I did her wrong after she didn’t even show interest in me. My anxiety went through the roof as so many eyes were on me. I felt hate from all angles. She told every department and every section. All I could do is fight back by continuing to work plus I had a good group of friends who had my back. 
Buddha - it’s said that buddha knew how the human life cycle would end. When Buddha's brother died he told Buddha that even though he’s a king and that many loved to serve him he was very unhappy. That it’s very tiring to keep up with your happiness when this was all you were meant to be. {Buddha’s brother and jacobe share something in common. Under the eyes of all hate and all love rested unhappiness.} He turned to Buddha and asked him ”I wonder just whose life I was living? “ Days later Buddha’s brother dies. Still out of confusion Buddha only felt sadness. Attending his brother's funeral until he had been enlightened. From that point on Buddha decided to go his own path. Giving a cold shoulder to the gods. The reason why jacobe saw himself this way is because the man he talked to earlier. Eros, Himeros, and Pothos are gods of passion, longing, and desire. Jacobe walked his own path. Just like buddha. 
Names - I decided to reveal their names late in the series because I wanted a challenge for myself. To keep the readers eye and could hopefully make them forget they don’t even know his name. Or even her name. It was a risk I was willing to make.
Capitalized Words in Narration - I did this to change the tone of the moment. To make it more dramatic. I have a poetry background so when I change the tone using capitalized words, reading it, I wanted that part to sound more poetic. The way it flowed. The history in it and it being a big serious part. I wanted it to have a spotlight.
Bonus content
Moon Gazer ( Bridge to Man On The Moon) 
[] - Cue this music
{} - Narration 
~ - 4th Wall breaks in unison to the voice of Jacobe. 
**- tone change 
[The Weeknd - Alone Again]
 {~ why do it feel like I’m living someone else’s life?~ Like a Halloween costume, our lover boy Jacobe wore a mask a lot. He masked his feelings as this void of questions stormed inside his mind. ~why do I feel so much better when I’m high? More
.free.~  The partying he became accustomed to. The sex is meaningless because he doesn’t tries. He just returns to his now studio apartment filled with his painting’s, His writing that he frames, a lonely bed, tv, and a game. Jacobe still couldn’t find the peace he needed. He cleaned up his loft and moved out. He wasn’t in need of money, he had it in abundance. He cocooned himself in solitude. Solitude became numbingly uncomfortable and being oblivious only started a fight within himself once more. 
 He avoided mirrors, eye contact, even peripheral vision. This cocoon is starting to feel oddly familiar. He’s going back to the way he always existed in the world. ~Invisible. Again.~ The others became butterflies for their own benefit. They blossomed like marigold flowers. Jacobe still hasn’t bloomed. Truth be told it’s his own fault. Jacobe fights his heart with his mind. It goes nowhere but leaves a headache and a heavy heart. Yet he still wakes up everyday. 
Dazed, confused, and In need of a mental rest. However, that didn’t quite happen. Working your mind to its full capacity to deal with emotions that constantly cloud your mind can be tiring. It’s a never ending adventure to that blissful embrace of home that seems so far away with each step he takes. So every night jacobe finds himself walking with moonlight shining upon him in his mind. ~You know you have to let me out soon~ Jacobe for so long had a charm like an unused talent. He told himself he didn’t need to be that way. More importantly if he was that way, would he ever come out of it? It’s true he has a Stefan Erkelle within him. He just never found it even though it’s like an aggressive dog wanting to get out. Until it stopped one day. For jacobe, the days were easier with it being quiet. He could finally be alone. But you know what they say about the quiet before the storm. His charming form somehow made its sword like being to the deepest part of his psyche. Like the first time anyone has touched the ground of the ocean. Jacobe's subconscious was being tampered with, manipulated. He laid his head down gently on his pillow as if his body ached for something. He laid there and ignored it to go sound asleep. Jacobe's mind goes dark. He can’t see nor figure out what’s going on. As the existence of an observant universe in its large scale of evolution from the first thing that happened in the first moments of being there, a big bang went off. It zipped through so many memories and messages. It stopped at this park with no distinctive features but a lake with an ongoing fireplace. 
~Are we all worthy of love? Or is it survival of the fittest? Who am I really to demand love? No! Who are they to tell me that everybody can’t be loved? Properly. To its fulfillment. Even if it’s for one night. They’ll know it in its entirety.~ Awakened from his sleep Jacobe felt free. Free of his past self of self doubt and hate. Free of the scrutiny and harsh words painted on his thick skin. As he looks at his front door, he sees an open cage as if he’s being released to the wild. With his heightened sense of sight he saw his black tiger ring but the eyes glowed. It sparked jacobe’s eye like an ember brought to a raging fire. He put on the ring and walked out leaving his home to be just a mere gallery of his past. As vivid as those pictures were, Seeing jacobe walk out of his apartment was a painting vivid on its own. He walked The San Louie strip on a Saturday night. Surrounding him was the after hours. You’d find it all at this time. Jacobe only found himself as he idled by it all. Drowning out the worldly desires. ~you said you were awake. Are you?~ Jacobe walked til his tireless legs finally gave in from this sense of guidance. He finally noticed by the sense of his subconscious he stopped and stared at a fire. ~is this all there is to it? No! I have to expand. Think deeper but look wider.~ As he became aware of his full surrounding he noticed the full moon reflecting next to the flame. The broader his view became the more he discover the eye shaped pool with the fire as the pupil. There’s more to his eyes than we speak of. His eyes showed his fire as it point to the moon in inspiration. The fire was the compassion and desire for freedom in his heart. For the first time in a while his beastly charming spirit was set free. It was if the moon had smiled on jacobe and the universe spoke. A woman out of his view came and talked to him. “Hey I didn’t know other people came here too. You okay?” Jacobe turned around and saw the woman who had spoke to him with such a lovely voice. He looks at her to download data as her curvy figure intrigued him. All in the moments notice jacobe finally figured out the inevitable due to his confidence, wit and charm. He flashed a smile, looked her in the eyes and said “yeah I thought I could get closer to touching it. It seems so far away to touch though” as hung his head in dramatic sadness. “Awwwn it’s okay we all wish we were there. The sense of euphoria in looking is still second best. And is what we must settle for.” She said while staring at the full moon above their heads “nah can’t think that. Everything has poetry even the universe. And in poetry, euphoria is in the hand who writes it.” She smiled back at him in a gush as jacobe’s fire like eyes told a story to her. “Well then what’s the poetry in it then mister poet” she said as she wave her hands in exaggeration as if she pretends to believes him.  Acting as a master for flow and touch jacobe’s walks to her and says “let me show you. May I touch you? I promise I washed my hands.” A question asked by no man before. She dropped her guard then jacobe proceeded first standing in front of her.}
~* This Poem Is Called Moon Gazer. I Dreamed Of A Girl Named Moon. When I First Saw Her She Took My Breath Away So I Put My Hand On Her Neck. {smooth as he wants to be Jacobe places his hand on the woman’s neck} She Always Seemed So Far Away So I Pulled Her In Close. {Can’t slick a can of oil jacobe pulls her in close by her neck} She Always Stood In Front Of Me So I Stood Behind Her. {He shifts behind her as she feels his breath on her the whole way.} She Felt So Hideous In The Night So In The Nights Sky I Showed Her, Her Reflection. {He points to the moon as the woman looks with her starry eyes.} I Tell Her “Look At You. You’re So Beautiful Most People Don’t Even Know What It’s Like To Have You. Even For A Night. No One Can. I Am Merely A Moon Gazer. Cause If I Had You I Would Never Let You Go. ~* 
{Jacobe then wraps his arms around her as if he got lost in the writing like a bear trap in the woods. And here’s where she steps right in. She turns to jacobe with a tear falling from her face and says “I wish I was somebody’s moon” To deliver the final blow jacobe stared into her eyes to see her soul. She saw him as a blanket to get wrapped in. He saw her as a feast to be devoured. “I’ve only ever dreamed of her but never really saw her face. Now that I see yours I was wondering could you be my moon. Even if it’s for the night?” [Ari Lennox - Chicago Boy] She took the lead in taking her clothes off and kissed him like she wasn’t gonna see him ever again. Jacobe picked her up and carried her to the lawn chair and bent her over it. With their intensity heightened it was love at first entrance. The feeling of a servant to fulfill her every need. Versus the feeling of a good meal digested in the stomach of a hungry tiger. If she didn’t feel where jacobe was coming from jacobe pointed to the reflection of her getting her back broken in and said “~*LOOK AT YOU. YOU’RE SO BEAUTIFUL. I'M SO GLAD I COULD HAVE YOU TONIGHT*~” Jacobe finally new he was home. }

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