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The Uncovered Secrets Of Arden County

The Uncovered Secrets Of Arden County

    The night grew dark in Arden County Kentucky, where most residents were alarmed from the night before. The Arden police station was on high alert for a county man that escaped the jail while being transported to the court house to be arranged for the killing of three small children. The Arden Police (Chief)Terry Gamble refused to speak with the ARKY News on Friday about what happened to the suspect and how he escaped from police custody. The County of Arden has went into lock down. (Sheriff) Drake Bellows has issued a curfew from Eight Pm to Five thirty Am. Police units from surrounding county's has came in to help with the curfew and help with finding Philip Morchez and bringing him to Justice. The officers have barricaded the streets with Army trucks, helicopters, and the Police are searching houses one by one.
The People of Arden County have been a small community for over a Century. These folks believe in Justice but will take Justice into there own hands if necessary. (Sheriff) Drake has been with the Arden police  for twenty six years and he has never seen such horror in this town as he has witnessed this week. (Sheriff) Drake went on to say that they were taking full responsibility of Philip Morchez, and that he will stand trial for his crimes.

The Sun began to set when a (Deputy) J.J Shelton  got a call of a guy that fit the description of Philip Morchez and he radio the Sheriff. The man hunt was on. ARKY News was standing by for the exclusive on Philip Morchez.
The police units where surrounding a brick home on 2829 Lilly Lane where the tip led police. (Sheriff) Drake was first to respond while eight other cops surrounded the property. The ARKY News was on scene while Police (Chief) Terry used a mega phone loud speaker to call out to Philip or who ever was there and tell him that the place was surrounded and there was no where to go, they were to come out with his or her  hands up, but the silence broke the air, no one moved or said anything. Then out of nowhere  a shot was heard after it struck (Chief) Terry in the forearm, and everyone ducked for cover. (Sheriff) Drake called for EMS to an officer down, (Deputy) Mark Wellington scrambles over to where Terry is laying next to a squad car and (Deputy) Mark drags Terry's body to the back of the police car. Another shot hits the police car where (Deputy) Mark had dragged Terry's body from, Police officers let the bullets fly into the red brick two story home. Glass shatters and pieces of brick go flying and then dead silence. The scene became a war zone. Smoke, debris, and the smell of gun powder fill the air. The Police officers are calling for snipers to find the shooter, then the sound of a bomb ripples the entire brick home. The police cars windows break, and bricks go flying like missile into everything around 2829 Lilly Lane. Several officers where hit by the debris flying. The ARKY News van was destroyed in the impacted, but they where not harmed. (Sheriff) Drake was hit in the lower legs and was lying still on the sidewalk, where a chunk of brick flew through the air and struck (Sheriff) Drake in the legs.
There's not a count of how many deaths or injury's they are, but the officials are calling this an act of terror. As the Streets fill with Fire trucks, Police cars, and News crews, Reality sets in. Who was the shooter? Where was Philip Morchez? What really just happened?

The smoke and debris has began to fade away as a helicopter hovers the sky. Police (Deputy) Nathan Clark is the first to come in contact with the medium size hole with only a few side brick walls still standing. No evidence of a person even living here, which looked abandoned and maybe the house might have been rigged. Police officers scramble to check everyone to see who's hurt and needs assistance. No casualties, but several police officers were hurt in the blast including the (Chief) Terry Gambles and (Sheriff) Drake Bellows of the Arden police.
  As more police officers arrive they sense they need to get the bomb squad, here to help with the investigation and what they are really dealing with. "Was there more bombs going to go off"?  "Where and what was going to happen next"?
The bomb squad brought in there robot Clinch, to check the perimeter, and give the OK to go in and collect evidence. As the robot clinch rolls over the property giving signals back to the bomb squad captain Roy Black. The Captain gives the OK to go in and investigate.

Sheriff  Blake Storm leads officers to the now crumbled down two story home, which lays in chunks of ruble. The Deputy's roll out the yellow caution tape and place it all around the 1,719 sq ft area where the house stood. The Sheriff gets one of the Deputy's to put number tags next to every piece of debris and every single brick that was dismantled. The scene looks like a war zone with rocks, boards, bricks, glass scattered all across the property. The destruction of the home was destroyed but the basement was intact, with metal shelves lining across from each other. The shelves held thirty colored totes. A wall around the basement had cracks going through most of the blocks, one wall  In particular showed what looks like skeletal remains.     

(Governor) Brady Brain visits the scene and is met by (Detectives), James Jones, and Vicky Mathews. What they seem to know so far is that someone had rigged the shot to hit where they knew the police car would park, and they knew that there where no one living here but may have used this home for hiding out.   
The only thing that was visible was the basement cement blocks that had shelves full of totes that wasn't touched in the blast. (Sheriff) Blake Storm from Pine ville County has found evidence of bone fragments lying 100 yards away from the riddled brick home.
The forensic team of Arden has been on scene for hours gathering incriminating evidence. The Police has divided the Twenty Six Police Officers into two groups, One group will continue the search for Philip Morchez, the other will investigate the bomb that rocked the town of Arden, Kentucky.
(Sheriff) Blake Storm of Pine ville has discovered remains of small children buried seventy feet away from the brick home near a wooden fence leading towards a creek. (Deputy) Mark Wellington calls in the Forensic Anthropologist from Clark County to help with the crime scene. What they discovered is much more worse than what Arden County realized.
Deputy Nathan is taking pictures of the bomb that destroyed the 2829 brick home. When another Deputy calls out to other officers that he has found something that they need to see right away. There is small skulls scattered around the dirt near the basement floor where many colored totes set on shelves.
When (Sheriff) Blake reaches where the basement is they are astonished to see what they have found. The totes that lay on shelves beneath the destruction has massive items of different people's belongings, now the F.B.I. will be taking over the investigation on multiple human remains. They discover more remains behind a wall that was cracked open after the blast from the bomb. More remains of children lay stacked one on top of the other. The scene has turned into a human remains grave yard.
Shelly Newton (Forensic pathologist), has determined that one of the skulls that where discovered earlier where from a child of about three years old. (Detective's) James Jones, and Vicky Mathew's will be questioning near neighbors and looking for the home owner of 2829 Lilly Lane. The entire three thousand residents are in shock and the news has went viral, news crews from different states have come to get an exclusive on the after math and what the Police are now speculating that we have a serial killer that has went unnoticed for years.
The (Governor) Brady Brian has issued a moment of silence for the county of Arden Kentucky, for those lost souls uncovered this Day and the help to find Philip Morchez.
(Deputy) Nathan Clark is asking everyone to please be advised not to approach Philip he could be  armed and is dangerous, if anyone suspects that they see him they are to call the local police station, or they can contact the F.B.I.
Today September ninth, 2012 the police have uncovered over twenty small children, buried and stacked one on the other on the property of 2829 Lilly Lane. The totes of over thirty different people where discovered and examined. Many of the items that where uncovered where from missing persons from over six different state that they know of. The totes carried within them, were cell phones, bloody clothes, wedding rings, wallets, purses, glasses, eyes and teeth in glass jars.
The tiny skeletal remains described a horrible death. The Forensic pathologist Shelly Newton has found that most of the clothes that was discovered in the totes did not match the bones sizes they uncovered. The clothes from the totes where from grown adults, and the remains of the skeletal bodies where from children.
(Sheriff) Blake Storm who has taken over for (Sheriff) Drake Bellows has been informed that there is more victims than what they presumed, Forensic Pathologist Shelly Newton , has concluded that the bodies they have uncovered are all children from the ages of two years old to about eight years old. The items found in the totes belong to adults and there has only been children uncovered so far, but the clothing and items found in the totes belong to adults.
Arden County Kentucky has never witnessed such hate and Misanthropy, in all the States days. Forensic Shelly Newton has uncovered that most of the remains had their teeth removed along with their eyes. The skulls of three different remains where shattered beyond repair. The bones on the legs showed multiple breaks, and tears. The bones on the arms were twisted and broken in many places, the chest cavity of ten different bodies had all the ribs broken. The street of Lilly Lane has become the biggest crime scene the county of Arden Kentucky has ever witnessed.
The news crews have camped around the streets, trying to get a exclusive on any news or update that comes along. Mark Wellington and Nathan Clark have been talking with neighbors to see who owned the 2829 Lilly Lane property. After hours of interviewing every single person who lived close to 2829 Lilly Lane, no one had seen anything. Detectives James Jones and Vicky Mathews set up a hotline to anyone with information to who may have lived here at 2829 Lilly Lane or if anyone had seen anyone around the home.
Governor Brady Brian went on national Television with the ARKY news to report that the man hunt of Philip Morchez is underway, and the new developing story is the blast that took down a two story brick home, has unearthed many small remains of children and many items belonging to many missing persons from many different states. The local and National F.B.I will be taking over the investigation as of Today, but the Arden community will Continue to be supportive and stay out of the detectives ways and will be of any assistance to help solve this horrible mystery.

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