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Together WE Develop : let Development be the criteria

It is a trend of our country to take Sharma ji's son/daughter as the SI scale for comparison. We admire our neighbors so much that we forget about one thing - who we are? I don't know about people living in olden days but imagine, our freedom fighters saying that since none of our neighbors (neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh existed that time) have yet declared for an independent democratic nation, we would not fight for our independence.. And think after independence, India declaring that they will be communist country as China is so and so, then what might have happened? But yet they didn't, for them development was for our citizen, independence is ours and so they decided to make things according to that. 
Now think once again, today's India against 1950's India. A newly born country with diversity and largest ethnic groups, at that time suppose National Congress would have announced that we will be a Hindu Rasthra, or we will be making the things best for Hindus killing the minorities, what would have happened? Nothing, we would be Pakistan, fighting over petty issues with poverty and terrorism all over. Yes, we cannot stand being radical because we always dreamed of one thing, DEVELOPMENT. People came from all over the country not because they wanted to be grouped as a Hindu or a Muslim or anything but just because they aspired to be a Developed India. Then the Emergency act and brutal killing of sikhs, we would have parted by that time, falling apart making small countries but we didn't because our ancestors were sure that we cannot develop if we will be left alone. 'Together WE develop'. These days I find people saying many things about secular people, mentioning themselves radical. I want to ask them- Do you believe we can develop in this way??? I was their with crore of Indians when Narendra Bhai Modi took the oath to serve as the Prime minister of Republic of India, I was there with my fellow people cheering up for that person sitting far away from Delhi, I was there listening to his speech, about Make In India, but I think he also never mentioned to polarize the people in name of Hindu, as it has been done by some of his MPs. I am afraid today as I think the main motto of bringing him to the power with majority was to develop our country, not to take ourselves back to pre islamic era (as they mention), we are not here to fight for it, we are common people who works all day long for some chapatis and loves to celebrate the festivals to get some break from the hectic daily schedule. We are not thinking about all these great issues, but we only elected him to be there, to save our business and to be sure that we will not loose our jobs because of any recession. How can you expect us to waste our time on Ghar Wapsi or Love jihad.  I want a peaceful country, if there is lack of family planning in minorities then it should be the agenda of the govt. to check that, not because they will rule us one day but because if our population grow like this, we all will die, without resources, we will die poor even after having two cars and five shops. Again I call for development, because we need to develop the backward, not by increasing the seats for reservation but by increasing the incubation period for them. We are supposed to bring the socio economic people out of their home but we are helping the RICH BACKWARD people, as we can see them in our cities and towns. Our govt. plans well but forgets to implement it correctly, because we lack the word together, even after being the most successful democracy. But again I am not saying anything to our system, it is running successfully just like DDLJ. But yet I want to know one thing are we heading towards the motto - DEVELOPMENT? I might be wrong but somewhere we are missing the essence. We are forgetting the word TOGETHERNESS, we are so busy making things logical and profitable, we are forgetting about people. Our representatives shouts loudly their own views, but they forget to mention our feelings, our views. They are great leaders, I am no one to comment about them but if we really want to develop, we have to know one word -TOGETHERNESS, we the voters and the ministers should work together,  I know many unnecessary things are mentioned, many fact less things are mentioned here, and I am sorry for it, because I am thinking how to make people believe that outside this world, we have another world, where our forefathers pictured a developing India growing together, living together.  I am a secular, I am a Hindu, I am a Bengali, but all over these things, I am an Indian - A country which should abridge the hatred to love and diversity to unity, we are here because we are together, or else we will die competing against each other, fighting against each other......

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