Welcome to LIFE

Let me be very clear about who You are. You are a consciousness. A consciousness is not the voice in which ones inner monologue is (for lack of a better word) "spoken". It's not the thoughts one has nor is it the source of those thoughts nor ones memories. Nor is it a collection of experience and the effects they have. The consciousness, the eternal entity that will change, but never in a way that could be considered death, is the entity that hears the voice of ones inner monologue. The entity that sees the images in ones imagination. The entity that feels the emotions (not just the physical sensations they cause) of ones mind. It is the entity that witnesses and experiences ones life. This is the best way I know how to explain to you where and what you are.
By "You" I do not mean the intilect with which you read this, but the owner of that intilect. Not the mind processing this information, but the occupant who experiences the outcome of the information prossesed and actions controlled by that mind.
You have no substance in this reality. No ability to interact with it at all without inhabiting a new body created in this reality. You are not made of what this reality knows as energy. Your structure is not made of anything in this reality or anything that can, on its own, truly exist here. On its own it could be in the same space, but no one here can see it, hear it or interact with it in any way. Nor can it see, hear or interact with anything here. Your reality is whatever you perceive. That which can not be perceived is not reality. So you can not exist here without being in a form created here. Which is a long and complicated way to get around that not existing thing. You still don't actually exist here. That's why no one can actually find you. You are just able to experience this reality inside what is little more than a biological robot that You have little controle over.
You have free will! Free will is always the same. Nothing can controle a consciousness/living aware entity. Something may have the power to controle the body a consciousness inhabits or even manipulate the very thoughts and feelings of the brain of that body. It can not, however, actually make decisions for you. If you leave your body your free will goes with you. Nothing can change the nature of your free will.
The really good news is. If you could, and who knows maybe you can, accidently find your self nowhere at all. Not in a reality. There is nothing, including any sort of absence of everything, that can controle You or take your free will from you.
In some realities you can and will exist and be able to interact. Mostly in the one you originated from, but also in ones basically the same as yours in that they follow the same physics and are (In a way, but not even close to this way at all actually, but for the sake of comprehension) made of the same stuff. Whatever controle or influence you have over whatever reality (or lack there of) can not be forcefully taken from you.