When the doomsday clock struck about 1695 seconds before twelve midnight

then abruptly ceased for some untolled rhyme nor reason, and end of the world seers automatically concluded global warming the Earth in sum re: all year balmy season principally because Homo sapiens contractual obligation with Gaia got rent asunder when atrocious, ferocious, malicious, et cetera said tenants of the planet exploited natural resources resulting in corruption of the oblate spheroid spelling treason.
PROLOGUE: Ever since the timeless immeasurable coalescence of inchoate consciousness, viz wrought higher thought propensity, and bequeathed the rudimentary tools of the then nascent malevolent (though unbeknownst to themselves, naively innocent looking, knee high primates (with smallish hinee), would attempt a futile declaration of independence, nonetheless their biological constitutional parameters bound them to chromosomal amendments), would affix the Flintstone cave seal of disapproval alluding to archaic contraband arms trade. Those most primitive hominids forged sticks and stones as defensive means, yet unwittingly, jarringly, and alarmingly – in due millenniums got cursed with their own demagogic demise.
The prism of twenty/twenty hindsight allows, enables and provides incontrovertibly enhanced perception plus excel leant access, asper outlook to secure a peg leg up (even just a toehold) for us grandchildren multiplied to the power of googleplex from those nattering nabobs of…nature scant survivors to parse and piece together an anthropological spectrum analysis. We can advantageously, yet delicately isolate much more easily than those bipedal millennial lowbrow swedish, nor wee gin, and dane hush knuckle dragging forebears, (nonetheless “Noble Savages,” and predecessors of contemporary Norwegian Bachelor residents of Lake Woebegone), that roamed vast expanses and virginal plains on the prowl for seedy stems, root stock, and grubs (to prepare powdered milk bisquits from raw bits), that formed a zigzag pattern of trial and error asper what did not kill them got the shortish brutes (yet to attain the realm king of the jimmied jungle). These early primates rode a figurative and veritable zip line, (perhaps a bit frayed) toward domination upon the healthy terra firmae, and unstintingly planted the spores for vast generational realms spelling beasty boy modern day prairie home companions, who accidentally stumbled upon the long lost culinary delicacy earning the
equivalent of Michelin awards for high demand best selling powder milk biscuits best consumed with
raw bits. Inconclusive questions still abound asper how one wimpy, scruffy, and outlandishly kooky band of ambling ape like creatures attained the rand and file of most dominant, hogtied, and lukewarm pygmies strode right topmost uber valiant warlords. One school of thought ascertains highly touted punctuated equilibrium theory. This hypothesis ordains a sudden and inordinate burst of species differentiation versus gradual feints evolving determination to cope.
A brush stroke of chance graced one or more great descendent of a monkey’s uncle (christened Master Scribe His Hinnie – who just by beginners luck linkedin with all in his family inside a radiation proof arched bunker) with empirical and unique wisdom – at least in comparison with other feral and furry jungle loving spoonful sized swinging creatures. No matter whether one attributes bytes of divine intervention, a mere crapshoot in the dice throw of fate, the scattershot fits and starts among Darwinian survival of the fittest brought an undeniable net result, which in toto spelled light years away complete and utter extinction for a biological experiment that went seriously awry. Over the course of millennial generations, a combination of beginners’ dumb luck, coevals of circumstance and happenstance proffered the L'Enfant terrible civilization with the subtle trappings of preponderant transcendence and imminent domain over all the other life forms great and small. This godlike domination and mantle to rule with an iron maiden fist would eventually and in short order cook to a crisp the supposed ribs from cosmic creator.
Mushroom inducing psychedelic hallucinations, (the equivalent asper electric kool aid battery acid test) at first timid and leary taste testers, soon became a hot commodity, and premium especially as invisible shackles proved to chain these prehensile beasts acquired, reveled in unbridled power. Discoveries spurred inimitable coterie of chest thumping missing links into deluded them into owning a fool's paradise. A parabolic trajectory arced elliptically toward chaos of lex Lucifer at that atrocious, nefarious, and heinous explosion.
An innocent, innocuous and subtle series of incremental transitions fostered physiognomy of
arboreal mammals to climb, crawl, shimmy and slide across various and sundry terrain. At some
metastatic stage, these informal claques and clicks spurred an inexplicable brainstorm to tap out a manifesto and stand up for vaguely grunted inalienable rights.
Who knows really knows how, what or when precipitated one unsuspecting ring leader to prompt a horde of hairy brutes to lurch ahead of the pack? Once in an upright pose, the de facto leader probably received the first standing ovation. An erect and more upright posture stepped up the advantages, which ironically enough set the stage for one after the other epic tragic 2017 spatial odyssey.
In the end one nasty, shortish, brute could end up wielding a bigger club, rattle a sharper saber and sadly and lastly fire off a deadlier warhead. Fain to argue against the existence of diabolic ambitions and concomitant sinister treason against scripted virtuous blueprint fleshed out on the divine creators’ drawing board, when tell tale signs abundantly litter the byways and highways of the actual and pitted (with potholed) information superhighways of this human lot.
That slow but inexorable ascent from the primordial ooze thence reaching upon the highest summit of egoistic grandeur also condemned and forebode a relatively terrible swift descent from what would turn out to be a hollow and precarious precipice. Difficult if not well nigh impossible to discern any traceable handy dance blues clue of such demonic motives in the rather cute and furrowed brow, heart and soul of those ape men, women and children that happened to be above average.
Although anthropological lineage can be traced with a rather jagged line from that hazy humid dog day afternoon, an ordinate amount of energy plus a preponderant exuberant expenditure of crusading conviction found pitched battles with battle axes and crucifixions following pomp and circumstances infusing the exploits with pomp and circumstances of the fighting machine.
Like overgrown children egging the enemy for a zealous fight, that lethal brinkmanship set in
motion an irreversible lethal assault. Instantaneous electronic and satellite communications
automatically instructed formerly hidden weapons of mass destruction to get launched from their
respective silos only to bore down heavily on the designated pre-coded targets. Tracers arced and lit up one fatal view of the celestial orb, gamut of constellations and cosmic mysteries burned as one collective blinding nihilistic imprimatur – upon billions (rather bajillion seared retinas!
This veritable blitzkrieg zeroed in on major metropolitan centers before extinction of détente ripped a black hole in the heartland. Time seemed to be suspended and still for one brief yet glorious moment before those sinister mushroom clouds sprinkled spores, sprouted and populated the radioactive heavens. A deafening ear-splitting sound filled the air just before the cherished landmarks got rent a sundered by this encompassing apocalypse now, with critical up to date emergency specification blared via national public radio, yet audio soundcloud muted by the sonic threshold waking up the recently grateful dead. All phenomena became liquefied into gruesome, macabre and twisted shapes. Entire populations became hostage to an evil genii loosed from the bottle of atomic energy. This entropy purportedly milked from noble heart felt blood sweat and tears for fears. The long march of August history presented a completely replete treat of supremely intelligent mortal men and women bestowed with the benevolent title of genius ineluctably contributed to the annihilation of planet earth.
Forsooth thy willowy young lass named lingua franca
me childhood sweetheart and newfound bride
long gone bonnie oh
abeyance promulgated by Prometheus
reigning eternal radiation to glow
no more splendiferous raiment
nor sylvan paradise
bloweth gale like from thine beau.
A small number of multicultural Homo sapiens from Lake Woebegone (myself included plus a
claque of hearty strapping Norwegian Bachelor farmers, whose diet of powder milk biscuits and raw
bits a possible preventive inoculation) in addition to a cadre of various and sundry other species chanced to be on a reconnaissance mission ironically to broker negotiate word peace. This motley crew (a typical representative sampling of most all the gamut per creed, nationality, race, religion, et cetera) of humankind experienced a collective gasp of horror at the blinding flash that cleft the globe into smithereens and shattered the atmosphere into at least a millions little pieces.
No more ability to support life in all those various and sundry manifestations with a newly forged asteroid belt birthed into existence. Such an ignominious end and total destruction of mother earth (formerly replete with all the attendant diversification of flora and fauna) far exceeded the ability of our shell- shocked vestigial eclectic tribe. This emotionally tattered remnant (once part of a now vanished misty, mythic, swashbuckling and vainglorious past) awash with self proclaimed manifest destiny and emancipation a little to late swore unbridled allegiance to all manner of god and country (incorporating hidden and inconvenient truths to boot chrome windows) no longer inhabited the four corners upon the plane of Gaia. Prognosticators of yore spouting this, that, and the other end of world hypothetical scenarios could never even approach this catastrophe on a biblical scale times the power of google.
Witnesses even Noah way, shape nor form could capture even a paltry approximation the fury nor wrath of these tectonic nuclear blasts. Classic literature steeped in the annals of the noble savage banging the tom-tom and emitting that blood curdling and ear-piercing scream. This eruption of ferocity meant to breed fear and sought (perhaps in addition to a scalp or two) nothing short of being heir apparent sovereignty. How quaint that now iconic image frequently reminisced by artists, musicians, writers, et cetera contrasted with those last surviving exploitative ideologues qua demigods, who in the name of busy whacking democracy similarly plundered and raped with reckless impropriety and nonchalance. Those pulverized remain permanently ensconced forever pinwheel thru the air of those skeletal concrete and steel reinforced fortresses. Hot vicious thermal winds blew the thick mass.
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