Story -




"You can admire a creative without sharing their visions?, you can underestimate the work of a friend?, you can share life and on the distance to be empathetic with the creators?, can trample on the verses with the same ease that grass is depressed and that will crush the flowers?"

Questionsand Unknowns.

Summer is the season of the year that a few things or others I have more work and how a curse every summer of my life I have spent working, this year I agree reforms at home and I can not connect everything whatever, but meanwhile brick and between both tangle will draw a hollow to follow COSMOFUNNEL and update the page with any poetry a short story, a novel, some of theatre, some chronic, some lyrics of some song or some legend to these readers than is the case of Tony Taylor, enjoy my stories.

I want to thank you for all the comments, I love you like my stories, latin and the Spanish are cousins but actually to communicate has nothing to do with the other language. I take this opportunity to respond and to thank the man more interesting and sympathetic of Chicago, also all those eyes following my writings without saying anything, but especially those who have sent me a message with words of encouragement.

Lord Arthur tell him that at any time I have offended by your comment and that his story about little Red Riding Hood found me fantastic from the beginning until the end, they tend to happen bad understood even natively speaking a language, with translations confusion can be total, but walking the road is made and people closer or away depending on the mode of walking It is always easier to walk miles carrying a lame helping you walk, walk a single meter with a fool while you try to you change criterion, it is very difficult to please everyone, but the few who are happy to be really.

There are many authors who publish in COSMOFUNNEL and yet I have not had time to get to know them all, but those who I've been dating, Taylor, Sparrowsong, Mirela, Waters, Kiil, Herdman, Cherie, Maveli, Arthur, Ricardo A. GarcΓ­a, Hopper, Timothy, Crunz, Hill, Drunkenwolf, Correia and all the Webmasters of COSMOFUNNEL I think a higher than the average human and creative quality , is always gratifying when participating in a forum for creative editing.

There are many authors who publish in COSMOFUNNEL and still I have not had time to get to know them all, but who I've been dating, Taylor, Sparrowsong, Mirela, Waters, Kiil, Herdman, Cherie, Maveli, Arthur, Ricardo A. GarcΓ­a, Hopper, Timothy, Crunz, Hill, Drunkenwolf, Correia and all the Webmasters of COSMOFUNNEL seem to me far above normal human and creative quality , is always gratifying when participating in a forum for creative editing. Nardine Sanderson to the left behind a point and followed, she is a great writer, but also a friend, thanks to it I can now be here commenting and trying to tell different things in the language of Whitman and Byron.

The temperature outside when round 30ΒΊ, inside is a little later than midnight in Spain temperature is much lower than, but as I connect by satellite are not well caught the waves and when the page does not give an error takes endless to load, is why with a single message you reply to all and take this opportunity to say that all your poems are still occurring before my eyes as an inexhaustible source of creative inspiration.

* Words *

Words falling in a cascade,
That you speak of happiness and love.

Signs of truth and lie,
Odes of death and life.

Words that heal or hurt,
Perfume or stink.

Italics tinted at dance,
That you speak of hatred and deluge.

Words that are born and die,
As stones damage.

Words that go and grow,
To cerifican or lie.

Signs of truth and lie,
Odes of death and life.

Words of love and live,
A dream and a nightmare.

Words that are born and die,
As caresses feel.

Words of hate and legitimate,
An illusion and a remove.

Lucas Lazar. Telling Stories.


* Palabras *

Palabras que caen en cascada,
Que hablan de amor y de dicha.

Signos de verdad y de mentira,
Odas de muerte y de vida.

Palabras que sanan o hieren,
Que perfuman o hieden.

Palabras que nacen y mueren,
Que como piedras se sienten.

Letras cursivas tintadas al alba,
Que hablan de odio y de rabia.

Signos de verdad y de mentira,
Odas de muerte y de vida.

Palabras que andan y crecen,
Que certifican o mienten.

Palabras que nacen y mueren,
Que como caricias se sienten.

Palabras de amor y de ira,
Un sueΓ±o y una pesadilla.

Palabras de odio y de risa,
Una ilusiΓ³n y una delicia.

Lucas Lazar. Contando Historias.

When I put a quotation within a comment is some loose verses from an author translated into Spanish, striker, put, but never change the primary idea of the author. In this operation always learn something new poem, the narrative or the author, written experiences that I keep for any publication, this works and the names of its authors move from here to there moving feelings, sensations and emotions as if they travel on a virtual train, this train of poetry that booting in Canada are available to explore not only America , also the rest of the countries of the world.

They are not all those who are, but if they are all who are, names and surnames essential in order to understand the feeling of contemporary poetry in the English language, as they are still many poets to discover, enjoy, and to learn from them that universal poetic language a little more, and there are hosted within any profile giving it all for nothing and patiently waiting for someone to read his compositions.

Have I forgotten some poet?

Meanwhile name I forgot one of the head is most important in the world of poetry, John E. WordSlinger lives building roofs and composing great verses numbered series, it has toured Canada just to chat with the poets Canadian of his poems, life and all those verses even lost unpublished, the author of the poetic railways has presented within a large volume a very important part of poetry in America , a volume that, from here, I invite you to purchase not binding, that too, but by the poetic content that oozes all the work from the beginning to the end.

John E. WordSlinger is also an author who all persons with claims of writing poetry should know, the author apart from poet is a very good person and whenever are read their verses you learn something new related to the technique or with emotion, is for this reason that I strongly recommend to all authors read his work.

"Words of love, words of honor, life, pain, joy and death, words that hurt or that comfort, words always lend to the flight to cross the sea full of ideas"



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Lucas Lazar

Thank you, five coming from the poetess of the dark comes to be the same as a 9Β΄5.


A greeting.


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