
Looking for love? Are you tired of meeting the same ole people? Dating the same Man every one has had a piece of ass from? Please tell me ladies have you not heard of that before? right? Growing up my dating experiences sucked ASS. Boys will be boys and maybe one day turn into a man and only if his balls drop. I dated guys who never took me serious, guys who played waaaay to many games, and did I mention a pot head? ,and lets not forget a Mamas Boy? About a year back my best friend came across a website that she was so hooked on. She had an account and even convinced her sisters to makes one too. I wasn't so sure exactly what kind of site it was but she seemed happy. I noticed she went on dates quite often with older gentlemen who were no where near high school ( I was in high school at the time). After getting curious of her back to back flings I asked her "Hey where did you meet these guys?" Then she finally told me. She said "Hey hely why don't you make an account ? ". God how I kept baffling and telling her no that it wasn't for me. But I gave in after some long convincing, and next thing you know I had an account. Actually she made me one before I even thought about it because she knew I would say yes. What a sneaky little ....
The Fun began, the idea of dating guys of the net made me feel awkward. Dude im 19 I don't need this! i'd always tell myself but I couldn't get off it. I talked to allot of guys. Good looking guys, thirsty guys, and guys who expected way too much! I wasn't looking for a life partner or anything too serious. Maybe I should have stated that in a better way on my profile, because it rubbed off the wrong way. "Oh those pigs" id say. When it came down to meeting them in person a part of me would want to back down. A girl going out with a man who she doesn't know much of? I was at risk but I admit I kind of liked it.
This wasn't Eharmony, or Match.com it was the new thing. I felt hip , I felt like I should and I liked going on dates. Sometimes I hated the idea of having a Okaycupid and id deactivate my account and then out of no where go back to it. Everyone including my friend found love even off that site. Why couldn't it be ME? I was going through a couple of problems at the time, and i stopped wanting to be with guys. Here we go, one more time i thought. Just dating and that's about it. I came across one guy out of all the rest who caught my attention. We messaged each other and then exchanged numbers. When the time came to meet in person, i didn't hesitate because i felt great. No rushing, No hoping he'd want to be with me. I treated him like a friend, and on the date we joked and talked hours. Time really did fly and i had the urge to want to see him again. He wasn't like those other guys ,who were boring or only wanted to sleep with me. Come on girls you know the feeling, how it differs . That was it and i grew to like him after every date, and i just felt so comfortable to be myself around him.
it HAPPENED, after a trillion dates of holding hands he asked me to be his girl. I was so stoked. What most people don't understand is, i wasn't looking for love on a dating site, i just had one. He found me, I didn't have to try ...i never did. They say to except the unexpected and that's what im trying to explain. Don't go looking for love it'll find you...HE'LL FIND YOU! Im not saying a dating site is for everyone and even i feel weird to say i had one, but it randomly worked. I'm so happy and he's everything i never had in a person before. I never anyone look at me the way he does, or how much he cares for me. I really don't know what's on the other side of that door but when it opens i know he'll be their by my side. So what's your story?
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