What to expect, when you’re expecting?
The unexpected!
The ultrasound showed the baby’s...
to salvage flotsam and jetsam of human wreckage amidst a sea where triage witnessed...
Lucid problems clouded solutions
Relevant insecurities irrelevant possibilities...
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What times are these? I love my home this lovely blue planet that is our very life. I cherish...
He was a man living below the poverty line Not particularly great and certainly not fine ...
How many people continue on hiding underlying conditions that shouldn’t be ignored:::
How many...
The Government is chanting concession, my wallet is yelling recession. Every dollar we make, thirty...
Visitors do yourself a favor...
Stay where you are or go someplace else...
Do you really...
Audio recording
Summer makes a mockery of spring, you didn't sing until it was nearly gone, it's a people thing;...
I am the eighth dwarf that nobody knows Will have to keep it from everyone I suppose Snow...
Fifth course coming to him that's all that matters He doesn't see the man outside clothes in...
I've pondered on this thought for many moons,
And now I am ready to finally ask you,
Why do...
regarding birthday anniversary wicked candle box event burns bright for Karl Marx, who...
Charles has got his wish on the sixth of May A crown on the royal head is coming his way I...
1) For a Poet Once Envied
how much of your soul exactly did you leave for...
There are so many things I haven't yet done Some are on my bucket list written out for fun I...