Dear Ziggy though never a real fan and much less a disciple .. I now...
Who are such men? Nobody knows. Theirs is an empire shrouded in shadows, Who lead us...
If this doesn't make a Rock turn over...
That's still good right?
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I assay storied friendship with a quasi essay.
Hello embodiment of my aural, cerebral, general, et...
There is a desk from which to write. Stands with four legs and four sides At the top and...
Am I invisible or something?
Hi Sparrowsong...
I know it's in here...
Symptoms.. following one another quietly so.. so as not to alarm you of their collective leader.
Did some people lose perspective?
People liked the sound of when they talked about how they're...
What are you doing?
I'm hanging up my map......
So much a like...
2 Different ends of the spectrum...
1 on each side...
People said...
a sixty four year old married bloke born January 13th, mcmlix under Capricorn sign in general...
Harvard Genocide itself?
No longer seen as Elite...
Some ​​companies aren't hiring Harvard...
I hope I'm not on the Wrong Highway...
Does anyone know if I'm going the right way...
Could you use a few dollars?
Could it have come in a little handy sometimes?
A few more...
The point of dreams is to color our lives To restore the magic To revive the lustre To...
When I walked with my head down, Watching the pavement as I walk, Like I was lost in thought...
Peonies set about in lonesome pots. Starkly removed from the flower veds of home Staggering...