Do you ever think just how great it could be?
How we would be seen?
Maybe, be entered in...
Have you ever considered these options if you're undecided?
What if you only think you know?...
Tell me, who crushed the yellow rose… she gave her heart to you to hold and held yours like...
You can help support the upkeep of via PayPal.
Still holding it...
I really have to go...
I almost went over Nashville...
It's a...
You scared me...
Warning next time please?
I do most of the time......
Through the flat screen, someone I barely knew typed out, " You can chase a million reasons why not...
Even a Carpet can only handle a certain amount of dirt you try to put under it...
Does cheating...
Still not sure which way to go?
Maybe, you like some of all that's being offered from many...
What can you grow in this?
Is it even edible?
Who's really paying for this?
Is that...
You think you have all the answers?
Perhaps you know what I'm getting ready to...
If you could listen and hear?
Sometimes your heart beats for your attention...
Partners in...
We all hold a power?
We all have a super power?
All we have to do is tap in...
What are her accomplishments?
Some criminals feared her as a Prosecutor...
Did she follow...
Talk about a turn...
From Foe to VP...
Wasn't it just recently...
Is God Jealous of the people or things you desire and worship?
The Gifts and Talents were already...
They want it all?
Just in case...
It could happen?
That's their...
If you buy bottled water...
It says Spring Water...
You have Faith it's not from a Tap who...