The Black Widow takes its partner, by the light She say's "Oh dear, my strong throbbing knight...
Universes are created, from matter pulled by gravity Nebulas, Stars, Planets, and Galaxies In...
Treading plains of multiversity Discovering ethereal plains of cosmic diversity Living in...
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Shadows dancing off moonlit walls I feel the longing of the universes call Stars reach out to...
when on a lark, this primate shut his eyes until sight formed slits doubling up as a wink ...
What is poetry to me A chance and opportunity To break out and break free From the...
Purple mountain in outer space Among the blue and green haze Of gaseous clouds far away...
Drifting down a path in a dream I hear your voice The sound so sweet My heart beats...
My bright Cosmos, you inspire me to write, I love the way you move and roar. Invading my mind...
It is time again for the villages to celebrate
they have grown the flies on vines monkeys...
I attend a pre-planning meeting in Allentown at an alumni's restaurant and meet three...
When I feel weighed down with worries and all the problems of the day surround me, sometimes...
As they sit in front of each other naked body's exposed as they gaze into each other's eyes. No...
There are percussive sound waves That echoes throughout the universe And if our hearing was...
She sat obliquely on a shooting star travelling distances afar in darkened voids of anonymity...
Tremendous mountainous heaps
Of murdered seconds and hours, so innocent
Stacked corpses...
Lover's nation in gravitation of a cosimic rotation. Creation of a lover's penetration through...