
Poem -

The Black Widow Dance

The Black Widow Dance

The Black Widow takes its partner, by the light
She say's "Oh dear, my strong throbbing knight...

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Universe Unknown (Acrostic)

Universe Unknown (Acrostic)

Universes are created, from matter pulled by gravity
Nebulas, Stars, Planets, and Galaxies

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Stepping through quantum space

Stepping through quantum space

Treading plains of multiversity
Discovering ethereal plains of cosmic diversity
Living in...



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Cosmological dreaming

Cosmological dreaming

Shadows dancing off moonlit walls
I feel the longing of the universes call
Stars reach out to...

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as moon beams danced across...

as moon beams danced across the night sky

when on a lark, this primate shut his eyes
until sight formed slits doubling up as a wink

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An ode to poetry

What is poetry to me
A chance and opportunity
To break out and break free
From the...

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Purple mountain

Purple mountain

Purple mountain in outer space
Among the blue and green haze
Of gaseous clouds far away...

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Drifting down a path in a dream
I hear your voice
The sound so sweet
My heart beats...

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Ode to the Cosmos

Ode to the Cosmos

My bright Cosmos, you inspire me to write,
I love the way you move and roar.
Invading my mind...

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Kingdom of flies....nonesense

It is time again for the villages to celebrate

they have grown the flies on vines

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Killers - Class of 84

Killers - Class of 84

I attend a pre-planning
meeting in Allentown at
an alumni's restaurant and meet

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We Are as Nothing ( this...

We Are as Nothing ( this pin point image is one taken  of the Earth from Voyager)

When I feel weighed down with worries
and all the problems of the day surround me,

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As they sit in front of each other naked body's exposed as they gaze into each other's eyes.

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There are percussive sound waves
That echoes throughout the universe
And if our hearing was...

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Universal dream

She sat obliquely on a shooting star
travelling distances afar
in darkened voids of anonymity...

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Currency; The Waters Will...

Currency; The Waters Will Insists

Tremendous mountainous heaps

Of murdered seconds and hours, so innocent

Stacked corpses...

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Lover's drink

Lover's drink

Lover's nation in gravitation of a cosimic rotation.
Creation of a lover's penetration through...