Poem -

The World So Blue

The World So Blue

I soar above the heavens, now,
yet, still I feel so sad, somehow.
For as I'm gazing down at earth,
I fear mankind has lost its worth—

Our planet looks so blue from here,
the skies are cloudy, dark—unclear.
I'll shed a tear, one single drop,
hopeless heartache; pray it stops—

My spirit's left its mortal shell;
I'm bound for heaven, maybe hell?
I won't be here to see the pain,
humanity's crying falls like rain...

Kids stay indoors, miss so much fun;
before they know it, summer's done.
All that sunshine—gone to waste;
Xbox games more to their taste—

We don't trust strangers anymore,
just cower in fear behind closed doors.
Old man on the streets, we'll surely pass;
assessments have never been so crass.

Homeless lie dying in our streets,
babies with not enough food to eat,
children with moms, however, no dad...
Where is the happiness we once had?

As I fly high beside sil'vry moon
I observe a tear-filled, blue balloon.
From high up here, I can tell you true—
I have never seen the world so blue...

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I'm loving the true words and rhymes Dean.

Kids stay indoors, miss so much fun;
before they know it, summer's done.
All that sunshine—gone to waste;
Xbox games more to their taste

Definitely my kids.

- Syd 

Dean Kuch

My kids too I'm afraid, Syd.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on this, my friend.

Dean Kuch

Thank you, Tehmina. That's very kind of you to say.
My heart breaks over the state our world is in today. I did my best to put those feelings into words.
Hugs sent your way!


I absolutely love this!
It’s all so true, sadly. 
I really enjoyed reading this, very thought provoking with everyday things that we no longer pay attention to or notice. 
Kate x

Dean Kuch

Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my work, Katie.
I'm really pleased to know that you enjoyed the poem.
Happy writing,

Dean Kuch

Thanks for reading, D. Bancroft. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Have a wonderful weekend.
~Dean  :)

John DeFoore Jr

Well done! Well done!
So true observations, great rhyming.
Tis truly a blue world.
I enjoyed this very much.

Dean Kuch

Thanks so much for reading, John. I really appreciate you weighing in on this and sharing your thoughts with me on the poem.
Have a great weekend, my friend.
~Dean  :)

Dean Kuch

I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, Jaelyn.
Here's hoping you have a wonderful weekend.
~Dean  :)

Whispering Dream

Wonderful and heartfelt, so much truth is these words that many more should read and realise what is wrong with this world. Beautiful <3 

Dean Kuch

Thanks so much again for taking the time to read and comment on my poetry, WhisperingDream.
We live on such a beautiful planet and should be taking better care of it.
After all, it's the only home we have.
Yet, there is so much pain and heartache...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
With gratitude,

Ru T

Brilliant social commentary Dean. Today's kids miss so much in their IT chained world, too busy looking at their phones to look up and see the blue sky or look down to see the flowers coming through. Or even to have conversations and create a new friendship or too outside of their cyber world. It's a beautiful planet we live on. Ru x

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